It wasn't a good day to begin with . I was down with gastric and I couldn't excuse myself from school because I have 2 practicals .
Worse, there were some retarded people to pissed me off . One of them was some insensitive idiot who doesn't respect one's fear .
I have mentioned many times that I have Arachnophobia, fear/dislike for spiders. Some may think that 'Hey, why this bimbotic girl is crying 'cos the tiny winny spider?'
But that's what I am afraid of, just like everyone has their own fear . I hope people would at least respect others a little.
After school, I went to meet J at City Hall for late lunch . He accompanied me to my dental clinic to get my braces done . Orange colour !
I was feeling very unwell, so I headed home after that .
My jaws hurt because my braces were too tight . Eating a bread seems like eating a rock .
I went to see a doctor in the afternoon , so that this condition will improve a little . Thankfully, it's a mild gastric. Eating regular meals and taking medicine will be fine .
At night, my sisters went out so they suggested to ask J to buy dinner for me since I wasn't feeling well. So J bought some carrot cake for me (:
Thanks J for being so nice !
Papa came to set up our new toy - Nintendo Wii . It's like finally we can play for all we want.
I went for my ballet class as usual, with my recovering gastric .
There's something which I am very happy about - I get to perform in next year's Chingay ! Can't wait to tell my parents about it .
At night, I talked to my darling boy at Skype . Love it because it will always brighten my day.
I was working at suntec for the standard chartered event. I woke up early to meet Yifang to get my skirt for work .
However, the things was quite messed up with lots of confusion with many issues . Luckily, I managed to work with Isabella and Weiling babe (:
The job is quite slack, just giving out flyers . We even pass by the AFAX 2010 to take a look . Too bad that going to the event has to pay .
Here's some of the photos taken today (:
Isabella and I (:
Isabella and Weiling .
Weiling and I (:
Oh ya, the bridge between the suntec convention hall and marina sqaure was vibrating till the 3 of us felt unwell . I wonder what caused the vibration.
After work, I rushed back to pay for my cousin's dance course deposit . My ballet teacher was telling me to aim and prepare for RAD grade 5.
I hope she doesn't mean the one for 2011 . LOL .
Around evening, I went for my other ballet class .
Nothing much, just that my legs are playing a prank on me by not able to do a pirouette with the one which I was able to do on yesterday's class .
That's all for now !
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