It's christmas eve and I have invited some of my friends (yes, the same old few who came to my house back in one year ago) for christmas celebration.
Old rule, bring an exchange present worth around $5 to $10 .
This year's christmas was kind of budget, which I don't know why too. I seemed to have overspent. Nevertheless, it's nice and simple celebration .
Ok, now let the photos and the short captions to do the talking.
Shaun, Edmund & XW.
Lyn and Joel .
Supper for the night; Canadian Pizza.
And I somehow caught my sisters in the photo.
Typical Colleen pose and Dear.
My cousin, Adrian.
Stupid face. LOL.
and his new haircut.
Lyn 'ah yi' with pinky, gigi and rara + 2 uncles.
Ivan finally arrived.
Camwhoring time.
Busying playing Wii.
DDR. I prefer playing on dancing map though xD
My 2 sisters.
Finally, one photo of myself.
And after awhile, it's CHRISTMAS ! TIME FOR PRESENTS !
Here are the presents which I got for christmas.
People with their exchange gifts (and thank goodness that I didn't get the spongebob).
unwrapping presents one by one.
These are my presents.
I love the necklace which I got from my sisters and the exchange gift (:
XW was attempting to bite my Gigi pooh yet again. RAHHH !
The log cake sponsered by my aunt (:
Pardon it's look. My little cousin 'damaged' the cake, though not too serious.
Vodka at night during movie time.
Merry Christmas ! メリクリスマス!
I woke up late and everyone went home already. It's abit different from last year as they stayed till night and we watched many movies.
Anyway, I have a different plan for this year. I went to Joni's house for Christmas party. And it's expected that the place was filled with ballet lovers (:

The food that was prepared for us.

Game time; of course, it's ballet related.

Forefeit time.
I stayed till quite late as we played taboos till forget about time. Luckily, Joni's friend sent Nadirah and myself back home.
My throat hurts . It must be the heaty food and the reverse sleeping time which caused this. Sigh, fall sick at the wrong time :/
I stay at home for the whole day, trying to finish watching my のだめカンタービレ movie 2. I must say that this movie is as good as the anime.

のだめカンタービレ 最終楽章 前編 (Nodame Cantabile Final Score Part 1).
This is similar to the anime, paris hen. It is about the life when they went to Paris for further studies; Chiaki Shinichi wins he prestigious Platini International Music Competition and becomes the new orchestra conductor for the Le Marlet Orchestra.
Of course, it's abit different from the anime.
Overall, I will give a rating of 9 out of 10 for the begining of the movie. I love the part when ウエンツ瑛士(Wentz Eiji) spoke in french. It really amuse me (though I know in real life, he can't speak German and English).
Best piece, it will be Ravel's Bolero.

のだめカンタービレ 最終楽章 後編 (Nodame Cantabile Final Score Part 2).
This movie continued where it stops from the first movie;
Nodame and Chiaki mutually decide that it would be for the best if they parted ways for a while. While Nodame practices, Rui Son takes her place as Chiaki’s pianist.
To make matters worse, Rui and Chiaki are set to play the song Nodame dreams of playing with Chiaki herself: Ravel’s “Concerto in G Minor”.
Overall, I will give a rating of 8.5 out of 10. The movie is good, but the part where nodame supposed to change the tempo for Chopin's Piano Concerto No. 1 in E minor, Op. 11 went missing.
Kinda of disappointed because that's an interesting part.
Ok, that's all for now.
love festive season (:
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