Monday, May 06, 2013

Balmain Event + Philosophy Event + Rants

It's Labour Day!
Rest for the whole day till it's time for me to have dinner.

Decided to meet Yang, Chubi and BT for dinner at Chomp Chomp.

Because of the public holiday, the place was packed with people and we have to wait for very long to get a seat. In the end, we squeezed at a table which is meant for 4.

Part of our food (:

A new month for the DFS event pad.
Gotta face the tiongs for 4 hours :/

Brunch and tea break for the day.

This month's brand at the event pad is Giorgio Armani.
A dress is provided for us.

Waiting for my makeup to be done.

Just when I went to the washroom before going back to work, something happened and it pissed me off.

Fuck the 'Tiong' old bitch.
Dropped my pinky ring and it rolled to the next cubicle (I saw it stopped rolling at the bottom of the toilet bowl).

Wanted to get it but someone went into the cubicle before my hand could reach it.

Rushed out and wait for the 死女人 out.
Within my vision, I didn't see anything on the floor.

Asked the bitch, she just said no in mandarin and rushed out.

Searched around and I couldn't find it.
Don't tell me that it just 'POOF' and went missing.

It's like how can people 争着眼睛说瞎话?

Yes, it's not anything expensive but it's still stealing!! Disgusting. PUI!

Hate them to the core.
Ok, back to the post.

Outfit for the event.

After work, Bb came over to DFS and picked me up.
We went to Bedok 85 to have an early dinner before heading back home.

Ba Chor Mee.

Met Fel for lunch and shopping.

Was kinda of pekchek when I wasn't given any instructions early for the day's work.
Thank goodness that I actually bother to ask. 

Wanton mee for lunch (:

Shopped till it's time for us to go to our respective venues for work.

I reached Tangs early as I was already at town.
Slowly changed and strolled around till it's about time to report for work.

Outfit for the day. 

I was working for Balmain, a brand which was newly brought into Singapore market.

My partner for the event was Jessica.
Our job was to give out smelling strips to the passerby. 

At the booth. 

After work! 

Work was just a short 3 hours and we could go home.

I wasn't in a good mood for days and quarrelling just made me felt damn tired. 
Worse, I received message regarding my DFS job.

The worst thing that can happen to me is to being maligned by someone. 

I wonder which of those 4 women did this.
What a 2-faced bitch(es).

Good sleep and good dream, but I didn't have enough rest for day's work.

Really hate the security uncle in Tangs.
So rude to people. Arghhhh. 

I was late for work due to the traffic jam at CTE and closing one lane at Novena.
Ended up have to 'pay' back the time which I was late for.

Worked for 3 hours then went to have lunch with Jessica.

After that, we went back an hour early to compensate for the time loss (left half an hour early since I was only late for half an hour).

Standing in heels for almost 9 hours is painful. 

Not a good day when I actually found out my OE pay is lesser than what I counted.
Asked for help and one of the girls was damn rude. 

Such people must be never experience missing pay and employer refusing to pay up.

After work, I went to Marina Square to look for Bb and Yang.
Yes, I gave in.

The 2 gays at home. 

Last day of Balmain event. 

Went to town early to have breakfast and Lucky Plaza was flooded with 'you know who'.
It's really very crowded.

Imagine we gave out more than 1000 smelling strips in less than 2 hours.
The number of people in town was way too scary.

Either way, it's our last day at work. Just 3 hours ((:

Jessica and I (:

At the booth. 

Went back home early and rest.

Received a call from my mum with regards to the death of my great grandmother. Gotta go to funeral but.... I really don't want to see my grandma for goodness sake. 

At night, I went to central with my sisters for dinner.
Good thing that Tampines have 3 shopping malls and I managed to buy a comfy flats for work.

New flats for Philosophy event. Citibank card holders have 10% discount (:

I think my feet will hurt as I've been working since Thursday.
Another 6 more days of long hours job to go! MONEY !!

Woke up at 7am and couldn't go back to sleep.

I ended up going to Bugis early for breakfast before working.

Breakfast for the day. (Yes, I know it's rice....)

Working for Philosophy event with Sandrina (and Erinna on the weekends).

Standing from 11am to 8pm really ain't kidding.

Outfit for work. 

Work was really boring since people don't really come to Bugis on weekdays. Only the nearby office crowd will be there during their lunch time.

Our job is to give out the bounce back card and to take polaroid for the contest. 
I must say it's not easy as we aren't allow to give them the photos.

Anyway, it's nice to see people dropping by to visit us. 

Me, Hui Rong and Sandrina. Credits to Anson. 

With my Credits to Anson. 

After work, Bb came over to pick me up.
We went to YCK to have lunch before heading to the funeral.

I was trying to avoid to see my grandmother because I'm very sure that we will end up fighting. 
And it's not me being unfilial. 

It's quite irritating when I heard that she actually scolded people at the funeral.
Not to mention that she likes to call people a prostitute. 

How lame. 

Ok, that's all for now.
Another 5 more days of work.

With love,
Selina ほたる

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