Friday, May 17, 2013

Manicure + Rants; Prank Calls

Credits: Focal Shot
Makeup/Wardrobe: Model's own.

It's has been quite some time since I last posted some photos from my photoshoot (`・ω・´)”

Waited for mummy to be back home and brought her out to have belated Mothers' day meal.
She chose Thai Express.

Together with my sisters, we went to Tampines 1 for lunch.

Pineapple fried rice!

After lunch, I headed to Tai Seng area for a job interview.

Went to a contact lens manufacturing company.
Everything was alright until a lady said something...

"Are you okay with coming to work without any makeup and manicure?"

To me, without makeup can be troublesome as I'll need to bring the things out for possible events. However, it's really fine and I understand that powder things may have residues.

But without manicure??
It's not about LONG nails. It's whatever on the nails that matters to them.


I was shocked, since it's a clean room environment, aren't we supposed to wear 'buuny suit' (depending on classification of labs) with gloves??

Then I realised that those ladies don't even have any knowledge about manicure, let alone the material used.

I had a manicure appointment on the next day.

In the end, I just left and said I'll think about it.
After all, the pay isn't that high for me to give up for something which I've lived with for 2 years.

Bb came over to pick me up and I got some scolding for not setting my priorities right.
But really, I think he will never understand how ridiculous I feel.

Some quotes for the day:

Know the fact, trying to do something about it...

And indeed, for the starter, the whole thing happened by accident.

Sleeping is hard when your mind is full of thoughts.

到最后,我还是忍不住地流眼泪. 真的很累.

Time to go for my manicure!

I was pretty excited because Sandrina darling was the next appointment after mine!
And it's pure coincidence *(*´∀`*)☆

I was in a particular good mood for some reasons (:

Nails for May / June. London theme!

Waited for Sandrina to do her nails before going back home.

Was kinda of pissed with Bb because of some miscommunication, he threw tantrum at me.
Like hello??!! I wasn't the only one at fault.

It's not worth to get such minor stuff to affect my mood.

Either way, it's a good day spent with my S.Na 2. HAHA.

Jas sent me this and we decided to try (:

Quite interesting! I wish I can gain something from this.

It is not easy to find someone who can make you love unconditionally and do sacrifices for them.

Saw this quote in Twitter:
"I want someone that will love me as I am, but somehow still inspires me to be a better person."

So true.
But I have only found this one person who fulfil the 2nd part of the sentence. Only the person will know if the first part is true.

Ok, back to the post.

Didn't sleep well so I felt damn tired till I missed a job opportunity! ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ

Went out in the evening to meet Sheena for Jaramie's Jrunway contest.
Supposed to join them for the fashion show but I was too tired.

Hair and makeup for the day.

Jaramie, at the Jrunway event.

Met Fiona and her boyfriend there.
Didn't know she's participating as well.

I must say that some of them couldn't differentiate Japanese fashion and Korean Fashion.
Indeed there's a fine line between them but some are obvious too K-style.

Oh wells, I can't blame them for that since Kpop fever is still on in Singapore.

Anyway, it's damn cool to see a Scawaii model, Natsuko san there!

Some photos of 藤後夏子 from Scawaii!

After that, I went to have some drinks at Swensen with Sheena, Jaramie and Yvonne while waiting for Bb to pick me up.

Not happy because of some arguing issues.

Spent my day blogging and packing my things for photoshoot.
Yes, finally a shoot with Max (:

Another quote for the day:

Strawberry time ! 

Met Max at Jurong Point for breakfast before heading to his place for a shoot.

Changed 7 outfits and I'm glad that I got some nice pictures.
Imagine I carried a luggage, one big shoulder bag and my usual longchamp bag.

Yes, like '跑路'. LOL

After the shoot, I rushed off to some briefing at Mohd Sultan.
People were shocked when they saw my luggage. LOL.

Had dinner with Cordelia and I accompanied her to Robertson Quay for awhile while waiting for Bb to pick up my things before working.

Received prank call;
I don't know who was so idiotic to do this.

This person just kept asking if I was free today, tomorrow or any other day. Asked for his identity, he just said 'You forgot about me, friend introduced'.

My inner self was like this!

Hello??!! You have no name and my friend also no name ah?
Retarded (━┳━ _ ━┳━)

Worked at Mulligan's & Aquanova for Bacardi Oakheart Sampling event with Cordelia, Cheek and Audrey.

And when I was at work, I got more prank calls by some private number.

This is fucking insane.  ヽ(`⌒´メ)ノ

When picked up, no one spoke a single thing. The person even used someone's phone with those telco recorded message (when you can't get through someone's phone) and let me listened.


After work, I went to get some drinks at McDonald's with Cheek and Audrey before Bb came to send Audrey and I back home.

I'm tired. Gotta rest early.

with love,
Selina ほたる

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