Monday, May 27, 2013

Work + Rants & Some Thoughts.

Worked at PLAB with Chloe, Joycelyn, Miao and Edelyn.
I miss my 007 girls. HAHA.

Look for the day. My broom-alike hair :/

Some good quotes for the day:


Work was alright, just that I was feeling very unhappy after another big fight with my idiot boyfriend.

I'm really tired of this thing. Maybe...

The feeling of being shouted for nothing really sucks, especially you don't even know the reason.

But again, I tried to give in and say something nice.
Who knows how long can I take all this?

Sooner or later, I'll leave for good.

After work and back home, I dragged the man out with me to LoL to meet Chloe, Joycelyn and others for some drinks.

With Chloe and Joycelyn (:

Slept till late afternoon.
It's public holiday, so Bb stayed at home with me till it's time for me to go for work.

Before going to work, we had another fight.

If you abort the idea of driving me to work, let me know earlier so that I can take public transport and not letting me know 1 hour before my reporting time.

Texting some vulgarities, saying that I gave attitude made it worse 凸(`⌒´メ)凸

To me, having a ride is a luxury and I am definitely not relying on it.

But of course after the whole fight, he drove me to work.

Worked at Aquanova with Jacintha, Jia Qian and Sophia.
Normal working night, nothing in particular.

I was kinda of pissed;
When I asked the man whether he wants to watch movie, he said tired & need to spend money.

At work, he called and asked me if I want to play mahjong.
Moreover, I don't really like the person who invited.


So playing mahjong is not tiring and won't spend money lah??!!

After I raised the issue, he changed his mind.


I hope this is true.

Bb picked me up and we went to the prata shop near my house to meet James for supper.

A simple "I miss you" can change everything.

Didn't sleep for the whole night as I was watching the show - 拜金女王 (Material Queen).
It's really damn nice!

Slept throughout the afternoon before heading out for work.

My sisters were so nice that they cooked curry rice for my dinner (:


Last day of work at Aquanova with Corde, Cheek and Audrey.
I'm going to miss the live band there (; T.T))

Uniform for work.

So close yet so far...

Work was boring.

Took a night rider home.
Almost missed the bus because the stupid driver didn't want to stop at the bus stop =.=

Continued watching the drama from where I stopped.

Crying makes me feel refresh and able to accept/endure one more day of happiness/sadness.

As usual, I met the couple for breakfast before heading for class.

Finally! Our certificates reached our hands!

The new badge given for graded exams (:

Nothing much for the day.
Just simply settling some work stuff and continue watching my show.

Eyes swollen from excessive crying. LOL.

Watched the show and this words stuck in my mind:
拜金女王: "人生只有一次. 如果你弄不清楚什么是你真心想要的, 你会后悔的."

Meaning: You only live once. If you don't know what you truly want, you'll regret. 

I don't really know what I want.
But I do know that I've something that I need to do or I'll regret for life. 

Ok, that's all for now.
Still got a few more episode till I finish the whole drama (:

With love,
Selina ほたる

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