Tuesday, June 11, 2013

V Series with Grey Goose + Shopping + Drama Reviews

Recently, I've just finished watching another drama; 下一站,幸福.
Of course, it's another tear-jacker show which made my sisters and I cried like mad.

Overall, I'll give a perfect rating. It's a great show with good endings, unlike some bullshit dramas with lousy endings. LOL.

Here's the synopsis: http://wiki.d-addicts.com/Autumn's_Concerto

Vanness and the girl really look cute together.
And with 小小彬, the whole show was fantastic. Cuteness overload.

One of my favourite quotes from the show:

Another must watch show!

Ok, back to my normal life!

Woke up later than planned.
Decided to get my ass out of the house instead of nua-ing at home.

Light makeup to cover the flaws.

Went out to change my watch's battery before heading to expo.

Met Lisan and her friend Crystal for lunch session at Changi City Point.
After that, we went to Expo for PC show.

It's great Edmund and Trivia there. It has been a long time (:

Headed back home in the evening.
Had a great time chatting with the ladies.

My watch; Got it when I was 17 and it's brand new till I changed the battery.

Crackers to satisfied my cravings.

With my darling girl.

At night, together with Jas & YM, we went to Katong to play LAN.
L4D as usual.


But it's quite pathetic because after playing for many hours, we didn't even clear any maps.
Annoying to the max.

Felt refreshed after sleeping for 10 hours.

Kiki, in her PJ (。’▽’。)♡

Went to town in the evening to shop, eat then head to work.
Worked for this event:

V Series with Grey Goose.

On my way to town.

I was shopping alone.
Decided to pamper myself and buy some stuff.

Had dinner at EwF.
It sucks to eat alone as it's hard to find a seat.

My dinner.

My job at the event was easy; help with the guestlist then went in to help Lina with the drinks.

The music was great with the guest DJ from UK in the house.
Nice view from MBS sky park.

Lina and I at the event.

Saw these pretty bikini in Wendy's instagram so I decided to go down to scape to take a look.

The pretty high waist bikini.

Loots of the day.

My high-waist bikini. Pretty, isn't it?

Popteen; July's issue.

It sucks when you couldn't sleep at night and you have to wake up early (; ̄Д ̄)

Breakfast with the couple before heading to class.

Reina made Jas and I wore pointe shoes for the entire class.
And we were supposed to wear them without toepad.

I can't imagine what will happen to our poor toes if it's without toepad.

After class, I went to Ah ma's house to eat.
I was sooooo tired that I took a nap.

As usual, Ah ma's cooking is just soooooo nice (*≧▽≦)


It's the brooch from Sailor moon R.

Cool right??!! I'll love to have one of these.
I mean who never know what's Sailor Moon if they are born in the 1990s. LOL.

Spent my day cleaning my room!
I really need to get back to my old self!

2 years ago, I was very hardworking in terms of cleaning my room.
BUT NOW... *shake head*

Ate dinner at uncle's place.
Played with Betsy. She is just way too cute.

At night, I did my abs exercises, squats, push ups etc.

Will you say that to the person you love? I wonder.

You can never "just be friends" with someone you fell in love with.

Woke up in the afternoon and prepared for work.

I even went out so early that I reached the place 20 minutes early =.=
With my retro-ish dress, I felt weird.

Worked with Fel, Janice, Sel and Jesslyn at AFTC. 
Thank goodness that everything was fine.

After that, Bb picked Fel and I.
We went to Summer Breeze for some food and drinks.

Damn tired of quarrelling and giving faces. 

Yang came back from Australia and he got us this:

Handcrafted chocolates! He said it's expensive! 

The chocolates 

Close up! 

Ok, that's all for now.

With love,
Selina ほたる

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