Too tired.
That's for sleeping for less than 5 hours and went straight to work.
I was late but it wasn't that busy in the morning.
Spent my day calling the ladies to check if they were reaching the office.
Shit job.
BUT! I was asked to join the Sapporo contest as well!
Honoured. HAHAH.
After the makeover! My hair could have looked better if my fringe is shorter.
My head hurt like mad as I didn't have enough sleep.
Really sucks.
Managed to leave the office at around 6:15pm to meet Atiqah at Plaza Singapura.
Bought dinner for ourselves, as well as for our colleagues.
After work, we headed out to the river for some drinks with my lovely people again.
Yes yes, a bad combination.
I got knocked out in the taxi as the alcohol kicked in.
That's for staying awake for almost 24 hours, worked for 16 hours when I only slept for 3 hours on the day before.
Too much for my body to take it.
Feeling dead.
Dragged myself to grandma's place as I've promised to visit her.
Managed to nap and have a good meal.
Bird nest, my favourite.
Woke up in the morning...
and it's hard to drift back to sleep.
Just when I was going to enter the lalaland, I received a call from my boss to settle some things.
My baby girl is afraid of the thunder. She only can find peace sleeping on my bed.
It's a nice weather in the evening but I've to go to work.
Worse, I was late due to the weather.
Sigh~ it's just not my day.
Late dinner/supper.
Quote of the day:
Nothing to do at night.
Finally decided to decorate my new 2014 organiser.
Making good use of my stickers and decorative tapes (:
Pissed with students from a certain schools.
Their students just won't be considerate and move to the rear of the bus. ARGHHH.
And I was late for class because the buses just simply drove off.
Had fun in class, especially dancing both variations.
After class, we decided to play in the studio;
Taking photos and doing 'scary stuff'.
Jacelyn ad Andrea.
My turn (:
Attempting to do a 'needle'.
I'm not soooooo flexible.
Mimicking one of the photos which we saw at instagram.
With the ladies from Inter-foundation class.
Quote of the day:
Went out for a mahjong session after dinner.
Played with Edison, Mokkie and one of their friends.
Oh well, at least I won my cab fare back home. LOL.
With love,
Selina ほたる
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