Rainy day~
But thank goodness that there's no rain at Sentosa area.
Went out for ballet as usual.
After that, I decided to eat selegie soya bean with Jas and YM.
My craving!
After YM sent me back, I was rushing and preparing to go out.
Took a cab and went to pick Atiqah & Eugene.
It's my first time at TBC.
A very nice place (:
Ok, I'll flood the post with photos.
Atiqah and I (:
Poor Eugene. 'LIM AH'.
With the pretty ladies from TBS.
With Andrew.
Crazy peeps from TBS.
With my awesome 'foursome'. HAHA.
With Fel.
They threw poor Sherwin into the pool;
Early birthday celebration. LOL.
There's some issues though;
Eugene and Yichang's phones drowned.
And for some reasons, I was caught in some moody stuff.
Ended up crying.
Thanks Atiqah, Fel, Yichang and Eugene to stand by me when I need them.
Group photo!
After that, some of us went to St James area for supper!
Followed by a part 2 with Fel, Andrew, Yichang, Atiqah, Eugene, Eka and Sherwin.
Club Gossip followed by Neverland II.
Just drink only.
Group photo at Club Gossip.
Sherwin, Fel, Yichang and I.
As usual, Sherwin was sabotaged by us to go up to the stage.
Drink again. LOL.
After that, we have 2 drunkards to take care.
Something happened in the afternoon.
Sigh~ why must it be that way??
I don't like people to assume that they know something which they actually know nuts of it.
Went out to visit my great grandma.
Stayed there for quite awhile before eating my favourite 925 chicken rice.
Nothing much.
Spent my night typing all the quotation and invoices.
Oh ya! My name tag for work is finally here! YAY!
Ate this for supper. Mr A insisted that I took a photo of what I eat. LOL.
So tired.
Went out for my coaching class.
Broke after paying my exam fees.
为什么我一定要设法让周围的人高兴以及满意, 并且牺牲我自己的想法和感受?
Work at night.
Moody because what happened at home.
At least, I felt much better after someone attempted to make me smile.
Thank you.
Quote of the day:
Craving for Teochew porridge.
Andrew and I went all the way to Bukit Timah to eat.
Hungry ghosts. HAHA.
Woke up earlier than expected for my off day.
I think my body got used to it because I always call a certain sleepyhead up for work. LOL.
Met Fel and Eileen at town for shopping.
Went around shopping for a pair of comfy heels.
Was damn tempted to get the repetto heels but it's a little too costly.
Ended up getting one at new look.
Went to Miumiu and we ended up got a bracelet each.
Our miu miu paper bags
My advance birthday present from Felicia. THANKS~
My pretty bracelet! Limited Edition.
My new pair of heels for work.
Quote of the day:
Dinner for the day~ Mummy's home cooked meal.
Slept damn late.
Mr A was soooo nice to come all the way to the east to eat breakfast/supper with me.
Quote of the day:
Went to work in the afternoon.
Feeling hungry just hours after my lunch.
Wanted to eat but I wasn't allow to... till 10pm.
Oh well, what's new.
Feeling damn sleepy but I gotta go to town to get my things done.
Didn't realised that my new heels were different size.
Have to change at the shop (●゚´Д`゚●)ノ゚
Since it's going to be a busy day at work, I bought lots of finger food to work!
All Japanese food though.
Part of what I bought for lunch/dinner. LOL.
モダン焼き (Modanyaki) , たい焼き (Taiyaki) , たこ焼き (Takoyaki) , 寿司 (Sushi).
I think I'm crazy. LOL.
Work was alright till the end part.
It's the kind words that prevent my tears from falling.
I've max out for the week. It's something that keeps me going.
Just a little more. 頑張って!
With love,
Selina ほたる
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