Woke up with a bad headache and swollen eyes ͼ(ݓ_ݓ)ͽ
Went out in the afternoon to meet my 2 little brothers, Yi Chang and Michael for lunch.
So nice of them to come all the way to Tampines to find me.
After that, I went home to change then we went to TBS to wait for Fel and Andrew to finish work.
Drinking session at CQ's Rasputin.
I don't know why Fel like to take my photo without me knowing.
We were crazy.
4 person - 3 towers of beer. Zzzzz.
Felt damn tired.
But I gotta wake up to eat and to go work.
Lunch for the day.
Quote of the day:
Wasn't feeling very well for the day.
The event which was crowded with people made it worse.
Felt giddy when I was clearing all the used glassware.
I think my face was really pale that Andrew asked me to rest in the pantry.
Of course, he helped me to inform Raj.
I was shouted by someone to go out of the place when I was resting for awhile.
Worked even when I was feeling unwell.
However, the effort wasn't being appreciated by some people 「(=>o≦=)ノ
Woke up early to do my admin stuff.
Hate it when all the emails come in one go. Sickening /(x~x)\
My baby girl frightened me when I was doing work.
She walked till the end of my bed and fell off. (she's blind btw).
It's just way too scary.
Decided to go to OverEasy to find some of my old colleagues.
Had my late lunch/early dinner there.
Cider! First time trying this brand.
My food from the all day breakfast menu.
Headed to work after my meal.
Quote of the day:
After work, Andrew, Yichang, Tricia, Kamil, Adam and I went to Wine Bar, Zouk, for some drinks.
Of course, partly because Fel was already there.
Fel was pretty tipsy when we reached there.
Drunk after awhile Σ(゚д゚lll)
Super GL face.
With Andrew.
With Yi Chang and Fel.
The halfway drunk Fel and Yichang.
With Andrew and Fel.
The awesome foursome. HAHA.
The awesome foursome with Tricia (:
Fel was too drunk that we have to send her home.
The fall was really bad. SIGH~
Soooooo tired.
Couldn't go back to sleep as I've things to do.
Work was really damn tiring.
Underestimated the crowd and all of us tio slammed.
Blisters after working for long hours.
Quote of the day:
Went for Miss Scuba's photoshoot in the afternoon.
All prepared for the photoshoot.
The shoot was at Quayside Isle.
Quite a ulu place, the other side of sentosa island.
Met Valerie there.
Good to see someone I know (:
Shoot with some vintage cars о(ж>▽<)y ☆
Was kind of pissed off as the whole thing wasn't well organised.
They just drag our time.
Worse, there's no transport at all.
Imagine I've to walk till super duper far to take the sentosa bus etc.
Thank goodness that one of the girls' boyfriend came over to pick her.
Then I managed to hitch a ride.
Outfit of the day.
Went to Bugis to meet the others for dinner.
It's an early celebration for Yichang's birthday.
While I was having my photoshoot session, they were shopping at town (T⌓T)
Sent by Fel; Michael, Yichang and Andrew.
Rushed to bugis as I was feeling damn hungry.
Never eat anything and went for the photoshoot. SIGH~
Both Fel and I got a sunflower from Andrew ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ
After a long discussion, we decided to have steamboat for dinner.
Too many to choose.
Fel and I suggested to go back to the place where we have ate before.
With Fel.
Fel and I went to buy a small cake for Yichang.
Now the boyboy is a year older.
Blow the candle.
This boy just want to camwhore with my cap. LOL.
After dinner, Michael went back home.
The 4 of us couldn't decide on where to go.
Wanted to sing but Kbox is way too expensive.
In the end, we decided to go to BQ.
Pub Samurai. It was unexpectedly crowded.
Group photo.
Wasn't in the very good mood for the day.
But it's better now.
With love,
Selina ほたる
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