Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Sick + Work/Supper + Xmas eve

Hate the pain.

Sleeping like a boss while mummy was mopping the floor.

Work as usual, nothing in particular.
Gastric but no appetite.


Quote of the day:

Went to Swee Choon for supper with Andrew and Angeline.
My first time eating there!

Not too bad, but I still prefer 126.

Our supper! Hungry ghosts.

Rained heavily when I stepped out of the house.

Worked as usual.
Bollywood dancing/drinking place when the people started to play those music =.=

After work, I craved for Teochew porridge again.
Mr A brought me to somewhere near Tiong Bahru for supper!

Craving satisfied. Thanks (●´∀`)ノ♡

The chocolate which we got during the event.

Feeling sick.
Sore throat & headache.

Dragged myself to work.

Imagine I was feeling cold in the hot pantry.

After work, we went to kbox for some singing session.
Impromptu as always.

I just sang abit and didn't drink any alcohol.

We went for breakfast after Kbox closed.
Some drank too much.

Woke up and heared things which I don't want to hear.
Sigh~ it's just soooo depressing.

Went for dance as usual.
Feeling sick, totally blank in class.

At night, we went for our great grandma's funeral.
Didn't feel like entertaining anyone there.

Too sick to do so.
Wore 3 layers and still feeling cold.

In life, we can't please every single person.
If they want to judge, let them be.

A period of people to fall sick.
Fel, Yichang and I - We were all down with fever.

Wanted to go out to buy things but I was literally bedridden.

I'm going to compensate the actual Xmas day with Xmas eve.
Though I'll be spending the day at work, at least it's with my love ones.

Went out to buy the chocolates and wrappers for the gifts.
Seemed like the whole world was out to shop for presents.

The gifts for Andrew, Atiqah, Eugene and Fel. 

Wrapped all these for the staff working on xmas eve. 

My little gesture for everyone to enjoy Xmas. 
I didn't include the chefs since I didn't know who's working. LOL.

Thanks mummy and my sisters for helping me to wrap them! 
If not I won't make it to work in time.

Helped out in dining area while waiting for the crowd to come in.

Feel sooooo love when someone cooked this for me, just in time before gastric pain comes. 

I hope that whoever got their presents will feel the love, peace and joy from this festive day (:

With love,
Selina ほたる

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