Finally, the last day of IT show 2014.
Cab to work.
Already feeling the fatigue.
Tiring week, but I managed to survive through my jobs.
But I really need a good massage...
Really appreciate for all the nice people who visited me at work.
With Jingxian.
With Edward. Thanks for getting drinks and sweets for me.
Sweets! Thanks Edward (:
Credits to Anson.

Credits to Zeng Bin.

Credits to Zeng Bin.

Credits to Zeng Bin.

Credits to Zeng Bin.

With Jing Xian and Sheyla.

With Melvin.
The client gave us a gaming headset!
I'll never forget the wonderful experience working with our fantastic clients and our wonderful 'nanny' who took care of us during IT show 2014!
In addition, cooler master is sooooo generous to give us a CM storm headset!
At night, I had a catch up session with Des korkor!
Like finally! Bugged him to come over and visit us.
Lost my voice after talking for days.
Spent my day napping.
All the sleep debts. SIGH~
Quote of the day:
Keith came over to find me.
Together, we went to WAWAWA at bedok reservoir for some drinks with Fel.
Chill out night...
But I was badly bitten by mosquitoes again.
I really don't know why they don't bite the O+ people but me, the AB+ weirdo...
(O+ people are more prone to mozzie bites).
Gastric problem again.
Sleep - wake up - sleep - wake up.
Till I didn't want to sleep after waking up for countless times.

Worse, I found out that I've more than 17 bites on my legs.
Prepared and went out for dance.
SIGH~ Just one more month to exam.
I really don't know what to do...
Went to work after class.
Feeling damn tired.
After work, I went to Penny Black to drink with Thomas, Fel, Atiqah and Ika.
Then went to Golden Cafe to grab a bite.
Realised that Angeline, Danial and Hao weren't there, I texted them.
Went to orchard plaza to meet another bunch of my lovely colleagues.

Zombie mode again.
Dragged myself out for manicure and datsumo labo appointment.
Went to TBS early since I've nothing to do before work starts.
Hungry + Gastric! I love cajun fries.
Nails for March/April.
Break record;
left leg has 23 mozzie bites.
Total: 31 bites. FML.
Really itch sooooo badly that I've to apply medicine at certain intervals.
Hate it.
Quote of the day:
Waited for everyone to finish work before heading out for Angeline's farewell drinking session.
Had some drinks while waiting!
Good Night Peru and Mushroom Crostini !
We drank at workplace after work before heading to V6.
Ordered many towers and we finished them within 30 to 40 minutes.
Then most of us went to Peyton Place at Orchard towers for round 2 as V6 closed at 3am.
Didn't drink much since I've been drinking for 3 days straight.
Feeling sick from drinking 3 days straight.
Disgusting to the max.
Met Jas for extra practice.
Still having headache from insufficient of sleep.
Had something soupy to make myself feel better.
Not feeling well but still gotta do my chores!
Can't wait for the double date on Saturday!
A little treat for cleaning my room XD
Feeling damn poor after paying sooooo many things in one go.
A few hundreds gone just like that.
Hate being poor.
金田一少年の事件簿 RETURN!
Finally new anime for the series after sooooo many years.
Hopefully, they'll have anime for all those new stories over the years.
with love,
Selina ほたる
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