Sunday, May 16, 2010

Movie Review - The Backup Plan + UPDATES/RANTING .

It's Nala's birthday celebration , or rather for the May babies . All the people wearing white top except May babies who wore black shirt (:

Initally , we wanted to go to suki sushi . However , it's not Halal . So we changed our mind and went to Seoul Garden instead .

Luckily we have student price. If not , it will be very costly to eat there xD

Our food xD

Lyn and Nala .

Eddymoon , Ivan and XW anata .

Nabilah and Liyana (:

Her self portrait xD

And here comes the unglam moment and Lyn claimed them to be artistic =.=

Caught me falling asleep while waiting others to finish their food .

Just who they are trying to feed sia ?!

Yiwen (:

Yiwen, Lyn and I (:


Ok , now left with the remaining photos from my camera.

Ok , enough of the photos xD

At night , I went to Majolica Majorca's workshop . We got to try the products there ! And I got to say that I fall in love with their eyeshadows .

I am considering to get them since Watsons has 20% off for MJ products . I am going to buy lots and lots of things . LOL .

I wasn't really feeling well , probably because of my 'once a month' friend . I was really light headed and couldn't concentrate during practical .

After practical , I decided to go back home for a nap before going to the dental clinic for my appointment .

I waited for quite long and it's kind of irritating . (I know I have low patience) .

When it's my turn , it's kind of scary . I waited for the orthodontist to paste the brackets one by one to each tooth and to put the thing i don't like - separators .

The separators are causing pain for me . I can't really bite as I may break those rubber bands . Sighhh ~

After that , I went back to school to help out in fencing training for the freshies + new members. I got a hard time speaking as I wasn't use to it . But thank goodness, they still can comprehend what ever I have said .

It's great to see my juniors coming back to fencing ((:

Anyway , I sat down there and have my pathetic dinner .

They were green tea and whipped potato :(

School was rather boring and it ended rather early .

I waited for dear to book out till 6:30pm . I was kinda of pissed but it's not his fault .

and this was the drink which allowed me to cool down . LOL

We went to suntec to meet Yifang, Gillian, Xueting and Agnes for dinner at Crystal Jade . Kind of paiseh , but it's because of me that they can't have much choice . Sorry babes !

But it's really nice to catch up with them ! I really enjoy going out with them (:

Dear and I rushed off for a movie after the dinner . We watched The Backup Plan .

Overall , I will give a rating of 9 out of 10 . It's really a nice movie with interesting plot . A plus point for being a Romance-Comedy , which is my favourite Genre .

But what a pity that i fell asleep at those quiet scenes . LOL .

I went to dear's house . I was too tired that I slept for the whole afternoon till evening .

At night , we got trouble finding food to eat as I only can eat porridge . Luckily, we managed to find a place with fish porridge if not i will be eating NOTHING !

I went for my ballet class as per usual .

and here I am , trying to camwhore in the studio . LOL .

Today's class is still ok . But sometimes it really makes me wonder how come my shoulders are sooooo stiff . It's really hard to relax them .

I love doing changement than sautes ! Just because I can jump lighter in changement . LOL .

Ok , let me share with you something which I have learned for today .

Développé - A common abbreviation for battement développé. A movement in which the leg is first lifted to retiré position, then fully extended passing through attitude position.

It can be done in front (en avant), to the side (à la seconde), or to the back (derrière).

It's kind of hard to raise the leg and pointing the foot . Oh well , we just have to try harder .

After class, I went to Northpoint to meet dear . We went to have our lunch, buy something and went back to his house .

At night , my dinner is porridge again . Haiz , I am sick of it !

I may be a teochew (dialect who loves porridge) , but that doesn't mean I can eat the same thing everyday :(

sickening porridge .

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