Sunday, June 27, 2010

Movie Review - She's out of my league + Reflection + Ranting.

I went to my monthly appointment for my braces.

Hmmm, I really hate it when removing the colour band. It's kind of painful . Well, at least I got to change new colours every month .

After thinking for soooo long, I decided to settle with light blue . I wanted to try putting 2 different colours but I still haven't think of a nice pair of colours .

Anyway, blue looks much more obvious than pink and I think it's really nice (:

Now that the wires are like 2 wires crossed together, it's kind of painful when your tongue accidentally moves pass the cross's gap.

After that, I went to school to meet Victoria in school to discuss the details for the material science's case studies. Thank goodness, everything went smoothly .

By the way, I got very pissed that day as I couldn't activate my stupid debit card . The information stated in the paper is just not clear ! Curse it .

I got to work at Gombak camp in the evening. And because I have no school, I got a hard time estimating the time to go out.

But before I went to work, I had my lunch with J at McDonald's. I also went to the bank to try activating my stupid card .

and who know's that it activates using your old atm card. Curse it.

Anyway, I was late so I alighted at Clementi to take a cab to the camp . But who knows that the taxi uncle also didn't know how to go.

So after finding using the map and iphone, we managed to find the place.

I had my fun working there with Jojo, Isabelle and Kerien. It's great to know other new friends too .

After work, I waited for Hangman to fetch me home. It's soooo nice of him to send me home . THANKS ALOT (:

Dear and I woke up early just to go see little xuan xuan @ ballet. It's really cute to see those little girls moving around.

Xuan xuan looked bored.

She's cute, isn't she ?

She looked soooo serious here.

After her class, we went to have our breakfast at Chong Pang. I really missed the food here. I rarely go there after I moved house when I was really young.

Next time I shall go there more often .

We went to northpoint to slack around before going back to see Ziqi @ ballet.

Ziqi was doing plie.

After the class, we went back to take a short nap before heading out for our Salsa class. But before that, I went to Golden Landmark to buy my Jazz pants and a new leotard.

It's kind of troublesome when leotards don't have paddings; you either sew it yourself or paste nipple tape.

We took a cab to Tanjong pagar as we were going to be late . Going there from bugis shouldn't take that long. But something unexpected happened....

The stupid NDP rehersal stopped the traffic. Apparently many people didn't know about it ; the part near Bras Basah and Raffles City shopping centre.

I don't understand why they have to stopped the traffic for 4 cycles of red light. It's really wasting our time and our cab fare.

The most idiotic thing was after we alighted, the vehicles can go already. Fuck man .

The whole rehersal was just to stop the cars and the traffic police walked around . It's like WTH lahs.

Dear and I ran to take a train at City Hall . We were very late already . The worst thing was to find the studio. The stupid construction at Tanjong Pagar blocks the road and we couldn't locate the place.

We ended up walking one whole big round to the studio. By then, we missed our lesson for the week. I was damn pissed lahh !

Luckily, Jason is very nice to teach us whatever they have learnt in the class. We really appreciate it (:

After that, we went to Orchard to have dinner before watching movie. We had our dinner at MOS burger.

We had lots of time after dinner, so we headed to ION orchard's starbucks to do my work.

I bought 2 new hairbands to use.

and our delicious popcorns from cornery; sour cream and lemon (:

We went to watch She's out of my league.

Overall, I will give a rating of 8.5 out of 10. It's a nice movie. We love romance-comedy very much. And this is definitely a movie that you should watch to have a good laugh.

I think it has some meanings in the show - to be confident in yourself (:

After movie, both of us took a night rider home. It's very fast as most people didn't alight till the last few stops.

My new leotard .

and new Jazz pants.

I went for competition with Riona. She mistook the date and nearly didn't prepare her things for competition. LOL .

Hmmm, it's kind of embarrassing to say that I got kicked out at round robin. It's my first time to get kick out at round robin throughout my 5 years of the competitions that I've joined in fencing.

Although my poule has 4 national fencers, but there's no excuse for losing except for my laziness for not going for trainings frequently.

Sometimes, I can't help to wonder if my passion for sports have disappeared after my injury. Now, I prefer Dances to Sports .

After that, I went to dear's house for awhile before heading back to the East for my ballet class. It's very tiring to attend class, especially after competition.

Dear's papa drove us to Bedok 85 to have our dinner before sending me back home.

And today marks the last day of term holiday. Time to prepare for school .

Tiring days.

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