Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Updates - Ballet + Ranting

Credits: Datson
Makeup & wardrobe: Myself (:

This post will be quite boring as I didn't take many photos for the past few days .

I was really exhausted for the day as the seventeen summer party required us to be there from morning till late evening .

I spent my day resting at home till about evening when I went to have my dinner with dear . It has been sometime since I went to century square to eat .

I tried the roti prata at Mr Prata .

My banana prata .

The food is really nice and it has long queue too .

I didn't know that it took sooooo long till I was late for my ballet class . We rushed and took a cab there but still, I was late for about half an hour . Sadded .

Anyway , I have learnt a new thing that day (:

Balancé - It is usually executed in three counts The dancer typically begins in fifth position, in plié. Before the first count, one foot extends in a degagé, typically to second position (though you can balancé front or back, as well).

Balancé is often confused with pas de valse, a waltz step. However, when doing a balancé the three steps make a "down, up, down" motion (fondu, relevé, fondu), whereas in pas de valse, a true waltz, the motion is "down, up, up" (fondu, relevé, relevé).

and I missed out something which I didn't include back in the previous post on ballet steps.

Passé - As a position passé means when a foot is placed near or on the other knee.
As a movement passé refers to the working foot passing close to the knee of the standing leg.

When the foot arrives by the knee, it passes from the front to the back or back to front, and continues either to return to the floor by sliding down the supporting leg or into an arabesque or attitude etc.

Ok, that's all for the ballet section (:

But seriously, my feet hurts after doing all the relevé and échappé . I really need more practice !

Nothing much, I spent my day sleeping at home and at night accompany mummy out for dinner .

A lonely day, since I was alone until the next day as everyone went to the chalet .

Mummy brought the things that she bought at Korea. It's indeed a great loot !

Skincare products + samples !

and I finally get my black sugar wash off mask and black sesame wash off mask (:

My masks from Face shop .

Thanks mummy ! By buying at Korea, I save lots of money . Buying in Singapore is way too expensive !

For the day , I was doing nothing until the time when mummy and I went to the chalet . I shall not comment anything else.

But I absolutely love the cake (:

I went to meet Kerien for WCG casting . Rebecca, Jojo and another girl (forgot her name :/) went with us too . Audrey came later to join us .

Well, I already expected that I won't get the job because I didn't say anything much . hahaha .

After that, I went to Kovan just to get my pay for the IT show . It really pissed me off that it delayed 1.5 months from the expected date .

The company is fucking far and I can't possibly travel there to take unless I am free . So I went down to the company and they asked me to wait for 15minutes while they prepare the pay .

But from 15 minutes, it became 50 minutes . Bloody hell . If you can't make it within the time, don't promise it/say it.

I waited until I got very pissed and I asked someone to check on whoever was preparing the pay . It ended up just need me to sign and they passed me cash .

It's not like they are giving me cheque, so why the hell they keep me waiting ?!

By the time I got the pay, it was raining heavily outside and I was drenched by trying to get out of the place . Fuck man .

This company is really famous for delaying pay. Many girls have told me about it . Screw you man .

Sorry for venting out in a vulgar way . I just hate such people/company .

I ended up waiting for 1 hour at the Adidas sales till mummy to drive me home . Waste my time and I ended up didn't take my afternoon nap . Arghhhh .

At night, I went to have dinner with J before going to work . I am sooooo nice to treat J at nihon mura, though I am eating for most of the time.

After that, I went to Zouk for the Singtel Grid girl casting . I lost my way at somewhere near great world city . How embarrassing

But luckily, I managed to find my way with Marissa's help . Thanks babe (:

Many girls went there . I saw Janice, Jojo, Valerie, Ashley, Aki, Rebecca and Cordelia, who is there as 2009 Grid girls . I got to know Eileen too .

The whole thing ended up is not a casting but just want us to fill up the form

After that, I went to Butter with Jojo, Valerie, Aki, Yuting, Rebecca and Eileen. The place was quite packed .

I ended up sitting down there drinking my favourite cranberry vodka. Maybe I wasn't in the mood to dance .

I heard that JJ lin and By2 were there, sitting a few tables behind us . Too bad that I didn't get to see them :(

Ok , that's all for now .

sleepy .

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