PI exam, horrendous because alot of questions that came out in the past year papers didn't came out . But thank goodness that the easy ones were doable.
However, I screwed up my graph part because I didn't indicate the hysteresis and zero drift .
Whatever, they better moderate as I don't want to forward this stupid module.
After school, I headed home to sleep. This stupid paper really sucked my brain juice and killed my brain cells . LOL .
It's a public holiday and I have to wake up early to find dear :/
We went to the BBQ organised by his coach . It's kind of funny to have BBQ in the afternoon. But well, the food are nice (:
At night, we went to Khatib central for dinner. There was an incident which made me quite furious in that instant.
A 40+/50 year old cheena uncle saw me and said "Auntie, excuse."
I was like scolding all the vulgarities at him .
Yes, it's not a big deal, moreover, he is an country pumpkin But it's just my way to vent anger when someone hurt my ego .
However, the most angry thing wasn't the uncle's retarded comment. It was a midget who commented on my facebook made me furious .
For people in my secondary school, it's only one person you can think of; KEITH CHEE.
I shall not say much here again, but this person is just a stupid retarded midget .
PI exam, horrendous because alot of questions that came out in the past year papers didn't came out . But thank goodness that the easy ones were doable.
However, I screwed up my graph part because I didn't indicate the hysteresis and zero drift .
Whatever, they better moderate as I don't want to forward this stupid module.
After school, I headed home to sleep. This stupid paper really sucked my brain juice and killed my brain cells . LOL .
It's a public holiday and I have to wake up early to find dear :/
We went to the BBQ organised by his coach . It's kind of funny to have BBQ in the afternoon. But well, the food are nice (:
At night, we went to Khatib central for dinner. There was an incident which made me quite furious in that instant.
A 40+/50 year old cheena uncle saw me and said "Auntie, excuse."
I was like scolding all the vulgarities at him .
Yes, it's not a big deal, moreover, he is an country pumpkin But it's just my way to vent anger when someone hurt my ego .
However, the most angry thing wasn't the uncle's retarded comment. It was a midget who commented on my facebook made me furious .
For people in my secondary school, it's only one person you can think of; KEITH CHEE.
I shall not say much here again, but this person is just a stupid retarded midget .
No wonder he has no friends . Be a loner for life !
I was spending my time sleeping in the afternoon since I don't have salsa for the week. During evening, I went back home alone since dear has to book in .
Seriously, I think that some people are damn selfish.
The bus was damn packed with people yet some mothers still can let their child sleep on one child when they could have let them lie on their laps.
There's one even worse. I headed towards the seat, thinking that no one was there . However, I couldn't sit because...
How selfish can those people be ? I don't mind not sitting down but at least they should let others to have the seats when the bus/train is packed with people !
Next time, I should STOMP it . Such people are unforgivable.
Dear came to my house in the afternoon . I was damn tired that I haven't really study for my material science exam .
During evening, I headed out for ballet as usual . It's tiring and fun .

These 2 weeks, we have been learning the preparation of a pirouette. It's hard as you have to balance, spot and many more !
Pirouette - A controlled turn on one leg, starting with one or both legs in plié and rising onto demi-pointe (usually for men) or pointe (usually for women). The non-supporting leg can be held in retiré position, or in attitude, arabesque level or second position.
I was spending my time sleeping in the afternoon since I don't have salsa for the week. During evening, I went back home alone since dear has to book in .
Seriously, I think that some people are damn selfish.
The bus was damn packed with people yet some mothers still can let their child sleep on one child when they could have let them lie on their laps.
There's one even worse. I headed towards the seat, thinking that no one was there . However, I couldn't sit because...
How selfish can those people be ? I don't mind not sitting down but at least they should let others to have the seats when the bus/train is packed with people !
Next time, I should STOMP it . Such people are unforgivable.
Dear came to my house in the afternoon . I was damn tired that I haven't really study for my material science exam .
During evening, I headed out for ballet as usual . It's tiring and fun .

These 2 weeks, we have been learning the preparation of a pirouette. It's hard as you have to balance, spot and many more !
Pirouette - A controlled turn on one leg, starting with one or both legs in plié and rising onto demi-pointe (usually for men) or pointe (usually for women). The non-supporting leg can be held in retiré position, or in attitude, arabesque level or second position.
The pirouette may return to the starting position or finish in arabesque or attitude positions, or proceed otherwise. A pirouette is most often en dehors turning outwards toward the back leg, but can also be en dedans turning inwards toward the front leg.
Although ballet pirouettes are performed with the hips and legs rotated outward ("turned out"), it is common to see them performed with an inward rotation ("parallel") in other genres of dance, such as jazz and modern.
Turning technique includes spotting, in which a dancer executes a periodic, rapid rotation of the head that serves to fix the dancer's gaze on a single spot. Spotting is particularly important in traveling turns such as tours chaînés or piqués because it helps the dancer control the direction of travel while keeping balanced.
Pirouettes can be executed with a single or multiple rotations.
Turning technique includes spotting, in which a dancer executes a periodic, rapid rotation of the head that serves to fix the dancer's gaze on a single spot. Spotting is particularly important in traveling turns such as tours chaînés or piqués because it helps the dancer control the direction of travel while keeping balanced.
Pirouettes can be executed with a single or multiple rotations.
Ok, that's all for now !
sleepy .
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