Sighh~ That's what I hate about school . They judge everything by examinations.
I didn't sleep for the night and I had my McDonald's breakfast .
For some reason, they gave me a cup of medium milo instead of medium green tea.
It's delivery, so I can't possibly ask them to change for me :/
As I have milk lactose intolerance, I will usually try to avoid those high content dairy products before I have to 'sleep' with my toilet bowl .

There's an article which I have read some time ago, the only period of time whereby human beings have no lactose intolerance is during infant period.
As we grow, we will eventually become intolerant to lactose due to decrease in lactase activity.
Anyway, I drank it down since everyone have their share of drinks. Nothing happened until about 6am, just when I was preparing to school.
I was feeling abit unwell and I couldn't find any po-chai pills (I think it's spelling should be correct) at home. My sisters and I quickly ran out to 7-eleven to buy .
By the time I reached school, I was feeling worse and have visted toilet twice. It sucks to have such situation before exams .
Nevertheless, I still took my exams since if I don't take the exams = FORWARD MODULE.
Sometimes I find that SP's exam system is unreasonable. What if people got some accidents, chicken pox or even fever etc ? (sorry, I don't mean to curse anyone) .
Those people would have to retake the whole module. Be it exempted from lectures, practicals and tutorials. It's wasting people's time !
If back in year 1's semester 1 and there's no H1N1 cases, I would have to retake my CPPA because I was having a high fever and stomach flu at that time !
See ? This system should be changed for good .
Ok, back to the exam .
I don't think I will do well as I was feeling quite nauseous . The phase diagram was really crappy ! I hate myself for unable to understand it.
Whatever, it's just not so doable.
I spent my day studying for OCRM . There's lots of things to clarify.
To be optimistic, I only need 20% from this 50% paper to pass the module.
To be pessimistic, I can't just aim low at 20% because it will pull down my GPA .
Whatever it is, I have tried my best to study for it .
I slept for 3 hours, and reached school at around 9am + to meet Alif to study for the 12pm exam. Up till then, we have lots of things that have yet to be clarified .
Thanks to XW anata, we came to our rescue once he reached the school compound.
The paper was really doable, I was able to do most questions except for a handful of them . Hopefully , I am able to get a B for this module (:
Finally, 4 papers down, left 1 more .
For this exam period, I have spent countless of night NOT sleeping just to study. It's that bad until ulcers appeared in my mouth .
Ok, I shall end here .
Exams @_@
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