I woke up late for my dental appointment ('cos the weather was soooo nice !). This time, I just chose violet for the band .
After my dental appointment, I headed back to Tampines . I played my game till I missed my stop .
Anyway, I went to have my yogurt and bought sushi for late lunch . In addition, I bought some snacks from Yamakawa.
Morinaga Chocochips cookies and my favourite rice cracker !
Finally, it's class outing for people from 1B03 . The whole thing was planned by Lyn and myself (:
Participants: Lyn, Edmund, XW, Nala, Shaun, , Joel, Terence (after ice skate) and myself . Dear met me after our ice skating too .
We went to Kallang Leisure Mall for ice skating . Before that, we went to had our lunch and headed to the arcade while waiting for ice resurfacing.
The arcade was damn fun ! I found the older version of Parapara which I used to play years ago . I really love the Korean songs for that version .
Though I am very familiar with the songs, I think my skills went down a little . HAHAHA .
Too bad that there's no DDR machine . If not, I will be playing like mad. All the older version machines are better !
For ice skating, everyone went for it except for XW and Nala.
The cost is expensive as compared to the old ice skating rink back at Jurong . Too bad that rink closed.
Anyway, I haven't been skating since 2008. Ice skating is really fun, especially when you see the little girls and boys learning figure skating .

Edmund and Shaun, Resting .
It's really interesting to see first timer to skate . Apparently, Edmund fell a few times . I nearly fell when I couldn't break in time too !
Lyn and I , with Joel as Cameo .
Joel and I .
Edmund, Shaun and I . But seriously, what's wrong with their expressions ?
Edmund, Joel, Lyn and Shaun .
The Ice skating rink .
After Ice skating, we went back to Kallang to meet dear and Terence for dinner . We headed to the coffee shop whereby there's an Aston express .
Ok, Guess where we headed to after dinner ?For those who followed me at my twitter, we went to Gay pubs at Tanjong Pagar area .
Some of you may say that we are strange to visit such places . However, there's no harm taking a look right ?
I wouldn't want to say much just that Terence was damn unlucky to see his friends there and got 'aimed' by some guy .
My muscles were aching from the ice skating . Still, I have to go for my ballet class .
I was damn unlucky because my stitching for my ballet shoes' elastics came off ! Luckily the other elastics of each shoe was still there .
After my morning class, I headed back home to rest my muscles and to sew my elastics . This time, I sew them double stitches as compared to the previous one .
Around afternoon , I headed back for another ballet lessons with the lower grades students . It's cute to look at the girls but some girls do look unfriendly and some look pampered .
Regardless what, I did managed to learn some of the things which I don't know . Let me share some of the terms here .

Balancé - It is usually executed in three counts The dancer typically begins in fifth position, in plié. Before the first count, one foot extends in a degagé, typically to second position (though you can balancé front or back, as well).
Balancé is often confused with pas de valse, a waltz step. However, when doing a balancé the three steps make a "down, up, down" motion (fondu, relevé, fondu), whereas in pas de valse, a true waltz, the motion is "down, up, up" (fondu, relevé, relevé).
Piqué - Literally "pricked". A movement in which the strongly pointed toe of the lifted and extended leg sharply lowers to hit the floor then immediately rebounds upward. Same for some as the term pointé.
Glissade - Literally, to glide. This is a traveling step starting in fifth position with demi-plié: the front foot moves out to a point, both legs briefly straighten as weight is shifted onto the pointed foot, and the other foot moves in to meet the first.
A glissade can be en avant, en arrière, dessous, and dessus; start in fifth position plie, push off back foot moving the front foot forward and bringing the back foot that you pushed off on in the front landing in fifth position.
Jeté ordinaire - From 5th position extend your left foot to 2nd, spring and alight with left foot on the cou-de-pied. This may be done derrière, devant. also travelling de côte (sideways) and en avant, or en arrière with an extension to 4th position.
Ok, that's all for the ballet terms .
After class, I rushed to Tanjong Pagar to have dinner with dear before going for our Salsa practica.
But it seems that I hurt the muscles near to shoulder and armpit . Sighh ~
I slept for 12 hours and the pain seems to subside .
Nothing much , I spent my day with dear and had dinner together before heading home .
and my mail from England has finally arrived !
I love mails !
My 2 stirrup leg warmers (:
Long and good for warming up legs (:
Ok, that's all for now .
tired .
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