Credits: Datson Teo
Wardrobe/Makeup: Model's own.
Forgot to share, I just got myself a new pair of soft pointe - Grishko 2007.
I'm proud to sew this on my own.
My new soft pointe.
Not that it's my first time doing it, just that sometimes I doubt my own ability to make sure it's secure enough.
So usually, it's Momo's mummy who did the sewing for me
о(ж>▽<)y ☆
Felt damn sick for the whole day;
Probably because of insufficient of sleep for the whole week.
I really need a good rest.
I don't know if this is something I want.
I am trying to accommodate this, but I'm at my limit.
I'll just give up by then...
Went out earlier to collect my pay from my agent.
Like finally!
Worked for 2 brands under the same company, now they want to compare the rates.

It's just so difficult to please.
Worked at TBS.
Sometimes, there's a limit on what you can say and what you can't.
That applies even if you are a friend or a superior.
没必要想没用的事, 因为时间不能倒流, 只会让自己更难过.
Thinking if I should continue working there.
I really need some time to measure the pros and cons.
Sometimes I'm asking myself:
Why do I need to put up with things which cause me to be unhappy???

Be it friendship, relationship or even work issues.
Worked at TBS.
Jon came over to find me at work with his friend.
After that, we went out for a drink with more people.
With Jon @ Kudeta.
It's really nice to see my good friend after months.
Didn't feel well, all thanks to the late delivery of food on the day before.
Took some health products and puke them out.
Oh well, at least the alcohol was out as well.
Went back home after dance to prepare to go for Fel's 21st birthday celebration.
Her cakes.

The birthday girl, credits to Faiz (:
It's a long day for us.
Managed to find enough 'legs' for mahjong;
Janelle, Eileen, the man and myself.
Almost couldn't wake up for my food tasting session!
Quote of the day:
Food tasting at Monster Curry! I'll be writing an individual post for this (:
The food is great!
Thanks Hui Jin for the intro!
Worked at night.
Busy as usual, just got too many things to do.
Ok, that's all for now.
with love,
Selina ほたる
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