Credits: Datson Teo
Wardrobe/Makeup: Model's own.
Dead tired.
Dance, followed by movie session.
We watched Insidious Chapter 2.

Overall, I'll give a rating of 9 out of 10.
It's scary, throughout the movie and of course, it has a good and complete ending.
Some of the scenes are really disturbing.
Quite worth the money as a whole. At least it's not some stupid show.
Insomnia for the whole night and I ended up sleeping for the whole day.
Had a dream;
The perfect ending, ring, process and the person.
But again, it's just a dream.
Spent my free time blogging before heading out for work.
Went to work as there's some event at TBS.
Oh well, at least I've something to anticipate for: Andrew's Ben and Jerry ice cream (* >ω<)
Quotes of the day:
Went for my datsumo labo appointment then rushed to agent's office to return my uniform.
Talked for quite long till I've to cab to studio for coaching class.
Can't wait to learn the variations (:
At night, I rushed out to meet the man.
Guilty for not having dinner with mummy.
Went to Bugis to buy some of the essentials.
Hate it when things just deplete at the same time.
How irritating.
Got all my skincare and my 2014 organiser~
So excited to decorate my organiser.
Imagine I stood in the shop for half an hour to choose. LOL.
Nice weather to sleep.
But I think I slept to much till I felt the opposite effect.
Dragged myself to work.
Already received news about working downstairs.
No choice but to suck it up.
My little cutie pie just brightened up my day.
Too tired to eat, but I've promised my mum to eat with her.
Went to TM to find her with my sisters before heading to class.
The polaroid photo which Fel sent me.
After class, I went to the office to sit till late.
Many things to do from now onwards.
with love,
Selina ほたる
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