Sunday, December 08, 2013

Keith's belated birthday celebration + Work + Sunday date

A planned off day with Atiqah.
'cos we promised to celebrate Keith's belated birthday with him.

Tired as I've to wake up earlier than usual to get my admin stuff done.
Spent 2 hours doing it.

Thank goodness that my sisters were there to take my lappy back home so I could go out with peace.

Had dinner with Keith, Atiqah and Eugene at TBS.

Photo bomb. Champagne and Silver lining.

The famous Black Swan Burger!

The love birds were posing for me.

With my lovely brother.

After that, Keith, Atiqah and I went to town for some shopping session.
Couldn't decide on what to buy for Christmas.

But we didn't shop for long.

We went to Wine Connection @ Cuppage to chill before heading to Butter Factory.
Too early to party.

Our desserts and wine.

Party at Butter Factory!
It has been a long time.

Nice to see some of my friends partying at butter.

With the love birds. Eugene and his Raccoon face.

With Fel, Keith and Atiqah.

Sister and brother (:

Andrew, Angeline and Jian Hao came over to join us after they ended work.
First time partying with them. HAHA.

We were quite unlucky to witness one pervert angmo peeping into the cubicle.
Ended up involving in some short investigation.

Part 2:
Andrew, Jian Hao, Keith and I went to Neverland.
We stayed till the place closed.

Keith and I went back together while the other 2 continue drinking.

Drank too much on the day before;
Just like the days before I turned 21.

But I was home safely, no memory laspe.
Just that I prefer to have supper with Mr A instead of going for a part 2.

Trimmed my fringe, bought lunch and went out to work.

Quote of the day:

Damn frustrated doing my admin job.
Some clients just have too many company names to change.

Hate it as I've to edit the file and convert to PDF again.

Worse, my mum just wanna find fault at me.
Whatever lah.

I just don't want to defy her by talking back.
It's useless.

Work at TBS as usual.
Wasn't in a good mood and everything I did seemed wrong.

But thanks to Mr A, I felt soooo much better.

After work, we had dinner with the love birds at Spize.

Raccoon and Atiqah.

Our dinner!

Felt soooo sleepy.

Journey to the west to meet Mr A.
Felt good to nap in the train.

Makeup and hair for the day.

Bought some essential stuff and lunch before heading to work.

Not exactly a fantastic day because my monthly 'best friend' chose to visit me on this day.
Worse, I've forgotten to bring my things with me.


The event at work almost killed us.
And there's soooo many glasswares broken {{p´Д`q}}

After work, all of us went to Nabins at Bali Lane for food and drinks;

Angeline, Stella, Fel, Yichang, Xiao Kai, Andrew, Me and Jian Hao.

After that, some of us went for a part 2;
More food and beer.

Went to JP in the afternoon while waiting for Mr A.

Minimal makeup for the day. 

After that, we decided to go to Westgate for dinner.
Robata Robata! - Japanese buffet.

We ate lots of salmon.
Sashimi FTW!

But I'd say the food selection isn't very wide.
Could have been better.

After that, we took a bus to MBS.
Walked around the place though the shops were closed.

Cute, isn't it?

After that, we just walk aimlessly;
MBS - City Hall - Princep Street - Little India - Rangoon

We were mad. LOL.

The quiet road after riot.

Cabbed back home after a long walk.

Ok, that's all for now.

With love,
Selina ほたる

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