Friday, December 13, 2013

Movie Reviews - Everybody's Business + Manicure + Black Friday

My off day as usual.
Got feel to dress up but not sure where I'd be going.

Heading out!

Went to TBS to have my tea while waiting for Mr A to come.
Enjoying life. HAHA.

Camomile tea (:

After that, we went to look for good food as usual.
Destination: Chinatown Complex Food Centre.

My job was just to sit down there and wait for food to come. LOL.

Yes, all these food for just 2 person.
Scary. Fatdieus.

After dinner, we went to Cineleisure to watch movie - Everybody's Business.

Overall, I'll give a rating of 8.5 out of 10.
A pretty interesting show; reflects people in the society.

It's funny, provided if you understand dialects.
And we saw Fel acting as an extra in the movie.

Mr A got this for me. New Kitty to my collection.

Spent my whole night typing my blog.
Even had my 'early breakfast'.

Was up earlier than expected.
Procrastinate and didn't go for hot yoga class.

Too lazy. LOL.

Went for class then to work.

Nothing much in particular other than power tripped for countless time.
People with mild night blindness only can stand/sit one side while the men do the job.

Eating this at wee hours. Fatdieme.

Woke up, updated my WA...
To realized that there's a bug which will affect users with iOS 4 and 5.

Didn't know what to do, Mr A asked me to delete and reinstall.

In the end, all my old messages are gone.

Worse, I didn't back up them. SIGH~

I'm the kind of person who loves to read some old messages with certain people.
It's just different.

I was whining non-stop to Mr A because even my old messages with him are gone.

But Mr A said that take it as letting go the past and start afresh.

No choice, I've to accept the fact that I can't retrieve them in any ways.

Went out to Raffles area to meet Mr A for lunch before heading to ballet class.
Still feeling damn moody during lunch.

But at least, I felt sooooo much better after all the comforting words.
Thanks (:

After class, I followed YM and Jas out for dinner.

Ayam Penyat.

Went back home and do my chores.
Another night of home alone ╥﹏╥

Finally updated my phone to iOS7 after soooo long.
So that I can use my whatsapp.

No more pretty fonts and screen lock. SIGH~

Went out in the afternoon for manicure session.
Did simple nails again.

Nails for December / January. Xmas mood.

Went back home after manicure.
Wasn't in a good mood 'cos my mum said something which I don't like to hear.

At night, I went down to TBS to find Mr A at work.
As usual, I enjoy sitting by the bar.

Soft shell crab sliders!


Friday the 13th.
I never like this day.

Worked at level 1.
Last minute thing; specifically asked for me.

Was mistaken as a cheeeenaa by an angmo, scald my foot with hot water...
What else??!!!

The only nice thing is probably working with all my lovely people.
It makes me feel much better.

On a random note:
Though my sisters can be quite be a pain in the ass at times, they are always the ones who help me when I need them.

with love,
Selina ほたる

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