Day 1 of work marathon.
Woke up early to meet Lizhen before heading to SP.
First day was bad...
Thank goodness that we got to eat our Mcdonald's breakfast.
Hungry ghosts~
Worked with Alethia and Lizhen for day 1 @ SP open house.
Gatsby Faculty of Style~~
Pardon my fat thighs. LOL.
Selfie during break time.
Spent our day styling people's hair, taking photos and handling game booth.
It's really an interesting experience to style people's hair. HAHA.
But of course, it's always fun to work with these nice babes.
Random: Felt damn old when the kids are about 16, 17 years old. HAHAHA.
With the ladies.
After my Gatsby event, I rushed to TBS for my next job.
It's tiring but it's all worth it.
Thanks Mr A for getting my dinner ready.
And my day got soooo much better drinking the BEST ice chocolate made by Mr A.
DAY 2 of hell.
Oh well, I survived through.
Started my day with some shit happening to me;
New LED light in my room flickered and I had a hard time doing my makeup .
Lost my voice from massive talking.
Tried to minimize talking with the help of the host, Ian and my 2 wonderful ladies, Alethia and Jojo.
Day 2's Selfie.
Walked to FC 5 to buy food from the shop.
Really miss the nice food there.
The booth.
The popular wax in the market.
Group photo with the ladies.
After my work, I rushed to TBS again (what's new?)
But I was looking forward for the dinner which Mr A got it for me.
Greedy (۶ꈨຶꎁꈨຶ )۶ʸᵉᵃʰᵎ
Redbull, Nasi Lemak and Nuggets (not in the pic) all prepared for me. Thanks (♥ó㉨ò)ノ♡
Quote from Twitter:
One of the best feelings is when someone understands you without you having to say anything.
Totally lost my voice for DAY 3.
Slept for 4 hours and I've to work for more than 12 hours.
Oh well, it's the last day of my work marathon.
I survived through!
Greedy for ice cream despite the lost voice.
It's really a long day for me.
Trying to take as many photos as I could.
But the Saturday crowd made it hard for us.
Nevertheless, we were really thankful to have the nice boys to help us to attract crowds by styling and playing the games.
At least we didn't have to shout.
Styling for their friends.
End of our jobs! A photo with the guys!
All of us were sick after the 3 days.
Must be the weather.
Rushed to work after the event.
Felt damn sian when there's no seats available.
My heels really hurt badly from all the standings throughout the 3 days.
Pampered with all the food ready for me to eat.
Dinner and extra sushi so that I won't get any gastric pain.
My delicious sushi. Thanks ((:
Didn't talk much in the event at TBS.
Was trying to use actions to communicate.
My voice...
Just too horrible/manly.
After work, I went out for supper with my lovely people.
Didn't eat much as the sleepiness in me was too overwhelming.
Dead tired but I still dragged myself up for ballet.
My body ached like mad, throat and heels in pain.
Joined force with my monthly 'best friend' = FML
Oh well, at least the hard work pays off;
Went to shop for some stuff with Michel before heading home.
Bought these for my sisters to use.
Went to the twins birthday party at costa sand pasir ris.
Just a small celebration with family and friends.
Drawn by my sisters. They are just too good at manga drawing.
Quote of the day:
Papa, mummy and uncle came.
Oh well. It's the past.
Now we live in peace.
The pretty birthday cake.
With their friends.
Family photo 1.
Family photo 2.
Mummy and uncle drove me back as I was feeling tired.
Still feeling the exhaustion from the 3 days of marathon.
Bought these from Cold Storage so that I can save money. HAHAHA.
Home alone...
Thanks for the little surprise (ʃƪ ˘ ³˘)
Woke up early.
I won't mind if every morning is the same routine.
Waking up early isn't that bad ヾ(◍’౪`◍)ノ゙♡
Be a good girl after some nagging and went to see doctor for my throat.
It's not getting any better :/
$40 just fly away because of the medicine.
Took the medicine and felt damn drowsy.
I need my beauty sleep.
Feel like going out but my body doesn't allow me to.
The little things that always keeps me going whenever I'm feeling down, sick or tired (๑・ω-)~♥”
With love,
Selina ほたる
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