Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Mag's 21st Birthday + 23rd Birthday celebration

Went to the chalet and slept late on the first night.

Bought these cupcakes from high society 'cos Mr A craved for them .

Supper cooked by Chef Andrew and Chef Mag.

Portable bar; We've got a mixo in the house (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

Spent my afternoon talking to the girls and helping Mr A with some chores.
Nothing much to do till it's time to prepare for the birthday party.

Delicious lunch cooked by Chef Andrew and Chef Mag.

Got myself ready in the evening;
All dressed up and makeup etc.

Theme for the party - Pastel colours.

Arm swag! love my new miu miu bracelet and juicy couture bangle.

My Agnes B ring.

Hair for the night.

Was asked to play mahjong.
Once sat down, I didn't get up till it's time to sing birthday song.

Playing halfway, I was surprised by Mr A.
A bouquet of roses was stuffed into my hands (Sunflower for Mag).

And this boy just simply said it's our secret admirers who gave it to us. LOL.

The pretty pink roses; with the meaning of 'be my sweetheart'. 
Thanks, my 'secret admirer' (๑・ω-)~♥”

Mag's birthday cake.

Rainbow cake (✿ ♥‿♥)

With Mr A and Mag (:

Continued to play mahjong till someone called me for help.
Shan't comment much about what happened.

But really appreciate the help provided by the others.

I was quite lucky to avoid alcohol for almost the entire night.
Started to drink when they found out my birthday is on the same day as the birthday girl. LOL.

Slept quite late.
Was a little disastrous for the 6 hours.

Skipped ballet as I didn't have enough sleep.

The whole place was in a terrible mess, thanks to all the 'mer-lions' puking all over the place.

We had a hard time cleaning up the place :/

Everyone left after cleaning up, except for Mr A and I.
Decided to stay for another night.

Had some rest before heading back to my place to put some things and went to Bedok 85 for dinner.

The poor boy posed him using boiled egg to rub his eye :/

Felt damn sleepy for the whole day.

Went to Boat Quay with Mr A to return the portable bar and we had our brunch together.

Curry chicken (not mine). HAHA.

After that, we went back home.
Sad thing that we are staying at different ends of SG.

Reached home and slept at one corner of my bed before cleaning my room.

It's in terrible mess as papa came up to paint the house etc.

Soooooo many things to do.
Was whining to Mr A. HAHA.

Mr A asked me to go out that night.

A series of weird stuff 'happened'.
Something gotta do with Yichang got into some trouble at work followed by a 'fight' with bouncer etc.

Was suspecting something was fishy.

They even took photos and lied to Fel so that I'll believe. LOL.

The boy was 'asked' to kneel down. HAHAHA.

Even tried to take photo of police car (which is nothing new to see them patrolling CQ area).

So Fel and I played along. HAHAHA.
Mr A is a poor liar and Yichang is a poor planner. LOL

We settled down at Rebel'Hood for some drinks.

Mr A surprised me with the birthday cake.

Thanks for searching high and low just for my birthday cake (♥ó㉨ò)ノ♡

And the sweet boy got me something from Chanel. Thanks (:

Bare-face. HAHA.

With Fel.

With Mr A (:

The funny boy LYC.

Really appreciate for the birthday celebration.
Love my awesome foursome!

Thanks for making an effort to celebrate my 23rd birthday with me.

After that, we went to Golden Mile for supper;


Didn't go for class as I was heading out for my birthday celebration.
Excited for my birthday date (´ ▽`).。o♡

Surprise birthday present from someone special ❤

Posed with my pretty roses.

Went around to find a place for dinner.
And we settled at Putien.

Everything was ordered by Mr A as usual. LOL.

After dinner, we went to play those UFO catcher at Prize Stage.
It's sooooo exciting as usual!

Thanks Mr A for trying to catch the cute little things just because I like it;
Just to make me happy.

Really appreciate it.

Supper at Rochor beancurd stall.

The cuties which Mr A caught for me. Love them!

I'm a happy girl;
First few hours and last few hours of my 23rd birthday were well spent with my love ones.

Nothing is better than this.

End of my long break;
Time to go back to work.

Went out earlier to buy my sneakers for tomorrow's Gatsby event.
Thank goodness that I managed to get it before going for work.

Was damn pissed at work.
Feel like slapping someone's face.

Some people just want to activate my 'bitch mode'.
Like seriously.

I'm going to suffer for the next 3 days;
Gatsby event at SP then work at TBS till closing.

God bless me. Lol.

with love,
Selina ほたる

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