Monday, May 24, 2010

Win Seventeen Summer Party 2010 invites

Before I start to blog, there is something I want to highlight to everyone .

Does anyone still remember that I mentioned about being a finalist in Seventeen Summer Babes and Hunks 2010 ?

Now it's your chance to win invites to the party !

That's me (right) in the june issue. I know the hair looks different as I got bangs right now .

Many interesting activities are lining up for you at the summer party .

There are 2 different chances for you to get the tickets; one is to vote for me to stand to win the invites and the other one is to try your luck at the 'win invite' section.

Do go to to help me in voting section. Each person is entitled to 3 votes per day .

For my friends, do PM/SMS me for the invites . I will gladly send it to you and you can bring 1 friend along .

By the way , I have put up the formspring widget for you guys to ask me questions. Ask anything but know your limits ok (:

And I have created another Facebook account to add all the strangers . So if you want to add me, click on it . They are all at the left column (:

Ok , back to the post .

It's a short day as BIA was cancelled . I ended up having 3 hours break before my GEMS :(

GEMS was boring but I do enjoy listening to all the sonata as this lesson was about classical era, which is my favourite (:

After the class has ended , Colin stepped on my sandals and it snapped . I ended up got to use a rubber band to tie it so that I can walk around without problem .

I spent about 2 hours at Lot 1 . It's quite boring as I couldn't eat anything due to the pain from the metal separator . Joel came to look for me since he was on his way home from the North area .

Valerie's dad drove us to TAB for work (:

6 girls working on that day; Jojo, Val , Kit, Candice, Isabelle and myself . I enjoy myself there as the guys there are very nice towards us (:

Thanks Jojo for the job and Amelia for lending me the boots !

I went to dear's house in the afternoon .

Nothing much , just that we spent our day doing nothing other than having our meals , playing games/surfing net etc .

Thank goodness that I can eat normally now (almost) . The only troublesome thing is that I got to brush my teeth after every meal .

I went for my ballet class as usual .

It's kind of tedious for me as I got an ingrown toenail on my left big toe . I hate to have such problem as I got to cut it once in 1.5 months .

Doing Releve is very tiring ! Especially doing it continuously .

After that, I went to Expo to look for dear . He got duty at the Naval base open house .

He ended later than I expected, so I ended up wandered around the place alone . Luckily, they got sell food . If not, I will die of hunger . LOL .

Heart shape muah chee ? LOL

Here are some of the photos which I took at the open house .

The big ship at the background looked like a toy ! xD

Dear wanted to take photo as he thinks the ship (I don't know what it is called) is cool .

Part of the ship .

The family carnival .

Me (:

The police dog xD

After the whole thing, dear and I went to grab a bite when we went back to Century Square . We went to popeyes to eat the mashed potato ((:

We bought the groceries for Japanese curry before going to frolick to have our yummy frozen yogurt ice cream ((:

Peach yogurt ice cream with peach topping (:

Oh ya, I also went to Mondo to buy a pair of sandals . Initially, I wanted to buy a pair of ballet flats but decided to buy this first until I find the ideal one .

Nice right ? I love the design (:

I didn't attend my first lesson although I was in school at that time .

I was kind of pissed whereby I wasn't inform about whoever didn't come to school and I waited for them at the station like an idiot .

It's like at least say earlier or something so that I won't waste my energy standing there . It's common sense that I will be there waiting unless I message to inform that I won't be going to school etc .

Oh well , forget about it . I just want to rant it out .

Today's practical is rather easy . The only boring part is that this experiment is our formal report . This is like the 3rd formal report we received since last week :(

It's like MST is coming soon and the work are piling up . Damn sickening .

Can you imagine this thing cost $300 ? Once break = GG .

I was damn tired that I dozed off at times . I hate to have so many lectures in a row :(

After school , I rushed back to meet dear . His superior suddenly changed his mind to let them book in tonight rather than tomorrow afternoon .

Ok , that's all for now .

tired .

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