Friday, June 18, 2010

Beerfest Asia 2010

Credits: Datson
Wardrobe & Makeup: Myself .

The day's news were all about flooding at orchard road . It's really very overwhelming that my twitter and facebook were flood with the pictures etc.

I got work in the evening . Thank goodness that it's not at Orchard . I heard that the jam there was quite bad .

Anyway, I was quite happy because I received my new clothes xD

I love mails

My new top (:

and new shorts .

I prepared for work early as I don't want to be late . My skills for putting fake lashes are abit rusty . Hahaha .

Gosh~ I think I have become abit more 'meaty' . Time to cut down on sweet treats

I went to take the circle line for the first time . Nothing special, it just look similar to the North-East line . LOL .

Since I reached the place early, I went to Popeye to grab a bite before going for work.

It's my first meal of the day

First day of job was ok , though there were some mistakes for the jobscope . Everything was fine . I guess the only hard part was to sell liquor at beerfest .

I know it doesn't make sense but oh well, we were told to sell that so there's nothing we can do about it . hahaha .

Sally, Eve and I (:

The crews from the spirit bar (:

The bus 518 was being a bitch . I waited for damn long and the board + iphone kept on showing 14 minutes . Cursed it .


Camwhoring before going out . LOL

My hairstyle for the day (:

I went to Bugis to get my shorts as I don't have one for work . It's always very tedious to buy shorts because they usually have to fit my butt instead of my waist .

Kind of irritating and inconvenient

But thank goodness that I managed to find one at 10bucks , which is considered very cheap . Next time shall go there and buy another shorts

Hmmm, initially I wanted to buy mina magazine, but I ended up didn't buy . I wonder what's wrong with the Japan side as I didn't even see the Japanese version .

I didn't buy the Taiwan version because it's not a Japanese celebrity on the cover . What's the point of having a Taiwanese celebrity on a Japanese magazine cover ?

Anyway , I rushed to Singapore Flyer as soon as I was done with my shopping . I reached there early , so I went for a bite . Again , it's my first meal of the day .

A bigger mashed potato xD

Work was alright , but I was kind of tired. Maybe my bio-clock was changing...

I was damn lucky to be able to find a replacement . If not , I would have to work till 3am and I won't have enough rest for tomorrow's summer beach party .

Thanks Candy for finding one for me (:

Job was alright , nothing unusual . I was just kind of pissed when I couldn't find the girl who replace me for the night . One thing is that SG flyer is way too big .

Oh ya , I know what I am pissed with . Dear dropped my laptop and it has a crack at the side . It pissed me off to the max . Shall not talk about it as it makes my blood boils .

Anyway , I finally got the time to take a shot of myself in the uniform xD

I know I am quite fat . Oh well.... hahahahas .

Throughout the working days , I saw many familiar faces working there . Let me see who can I name out: Jojo, Lovelyn, Janice, Chantel, Xingyi, Annabel, Bernice, Gillian, Casabelle, Isabelle, Kerien, Yvonne, Chanel, Jen....

The rest I can't remember. Hahaha , way too many of them . It's like filling with girls working there .

Ok, That's all for now .

The next post will be the Seventeen summer beach party . So stay tuned (:

tired .

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