Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Updates - Ballet + Fashion Show at Vivo

This post is gonna filled with lots of photos ! Geeee... My photo storage is running low, should I buy some storage space ?

Only if I can successfully transfer all my post to Jugem . Grrrrr.... Maybe I will slowly transfer the 900+ posts over there . Do look out for my new blog address in near future.

By the way, still got anyone who wants to go the summer party ? Email me or PM me in facebook or something ok . It's on this Saturday (:

And Do help me vote @ http://www.seventeen.com.sg/summerparty2010/vote.php . Thanks alot !!

I spent my afternoon doing nothing. I just couldn't bring myself to continue with my report though I was already half way done before the MST started.

At night, dear accompanied me to my ballet class. We walked a big around, turning here and there then we found Kampong Chai Chee CC. LOL .

The CC is quite small and stuffy . Despite of that, the ballet studio is very big and CLEAN with lots of mirrors !

Ok, let me share with you what I have learnt for that lesson + another move which I have learnt quite sometime ago.

Échappé - Literally "escaped".

A movement done from a closed (first or fifth) position to an open (second or fourth) position. There are two kinds of échappés: échappé sauté and échappé sur les pointes or demi-pointes.

In an échappé sauté, the dancer takes a deep plié followed by a jump in which the legs "escape" into either second (usually when starting from first position) or fourth position (usually when starting from fifth position), landing in demi-plié.

In échappé sur le pointes/demi-pointes the dancer, after taking a deep plié, springs onto pointes or demi-pointes, ending in either second position (when starting from first position) or fourth (when starting from fifth) with knees straight.

In all cases, the dancer may or may not return to the initial position, depending on the choreography.

**We do échappé sauté if I am not mistaken.

Demi Detourné - A half turn executed on both feet. Start right foot front (5th position). Demi plie and then releve onto the demi pointe whilst making a 1/2 turn, lower through demi plie.

The feet will have now changed position and the left foot should now be in the front. To finish pull the legs up and stand in 5th position.

**I suck at doing both échappé & Demi Detourné.

After class, I accompanied dear to have a light bite before going back home (and he went back to camp) .

Too bad that by the time I reached home, Daddy went off already.

I was spending my late morning for completing my report and datasheet. The curse thing was that I don't know how the fuck I should write my discussion section and theory section .

It really sucks big time.

Datasheet was alright, except that I didn't save the file when I downloaded the file from hotmail . I finished typing it, I just press 'save' instead of 'save as' ....


After that, I panicked and called dear to see if I can retrieve the file . But the problem was that it's not in any temporary folder.

I cried while typing. Thank goodness that I was able to complete in 15 minutes as I remembered what I typed and where I found my information.

After finished everything, I quickly prepared and rushed to school to print + hand up my report. It's damn troublesome because that BBQ pork's office is damn far away.

I also went to the CLS office to hand up my LOA . I hate it as there are many things to fill up . Irritating to the max .

After that, I rushed to Wavehouse for fitting. There's 2 outfits and I have tried a few to get the right ones.

Interested to know what I will be wearing for the summer party's fashion show ? Come to the party to take a look ! PM ME !

Dear reached wavehouse just after I was done with my fitting. We ended up walking to Palawan beach and ate ice cream near the beach before going to Vivo City for dinner.

When we were on our way , we saw a fashion show going on. So we stayed throughout and watched . The models are really very tall, I think at least 1.8m tall.

Here are the photos (:

My favourite dress (:

Nice right ? The models are really skinny .

In my opinion, such skinny and fair models are suitable for high fashion, eccentric branded wear etc. Asians cannot really bring out such looks.

But I think Caucasian models will look weird in normal casual clothing as compared to Asians .

There are always pros and cons for which ever region we are born from.

Before the show started, dear asked me what if the model fell down when doing catwalk. I said that it will rarely happened as they are well trained.

and during the show, one of the models tripped on her dress and nearly fall down . LOL .

Lyn was there for the fashion show too xD

After the fashion show, we went to Barcelos for dinner . Initially, we wanted to go to HK Kim Gary, but it had long queue.

It's my first time at Barcelos for dinner . It works like a fast food, but the waiter or waitress will serve you the food.

You can choose what type of marinate you want for the chicken. And I chose the non spicy sauce (:

My dinner (:

Dear's share .

After dinner , we went around Vivo before going back home/camp.

I went to Candy empire to buy some tibits home.

PODS and milky way. I grabbed the wrong PODS. Supposed to be one Mars and one Twix.

I woke up late for work. I just feel very tired for the day .

Took a bus to TPY and I went to buy KOI bubble tea before going to work (:

I helped my cousin's company to work as a part-timer. My job is to compile the list and call the numbers .

It took me about 2.5 hours to get the compilation done, but I wasn't able to call as I was having a bad cramp this afternoon .

Stupid cramp, come at the wrong timing.

I ended up taking a cab home to rest .

Dear came to visit me during evening time . He is soooo nice to cook noodles for me.

Ok , I shall end here now.

I will be working for Beerfest Asia 2010 from tomorrow till Saturday. Do keep a look out for me if you are going there (:

excited xD

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