Saturday, June 19, 2010

Seventeen Summer Beach Party 2010 Part 1

Still remember that I am participating in this year's Seventeen Summer beach babes and hunk 2010 ?

The event has finally ended and I have lots of fun with my friends . Now, let the photos do the talking part (:

I was a little late from the reporting time . However, I wasn't the latest . Hahaha .

We spent 2 hours doing nothing ...

and I become Rainer's 'stalker' . LOL

Brandon and I . He is really very tall !

Just what kind of pose was this ?

Belle (:

For some reason, Belle saw a bruise on Rainer's neck . And all of us said tat he got a love bite . hahaha . It's really hilarious .

and here's his 'love bite' . HAHA .

Rainer and his unglam pose . LOL .

At around near noon, we had our rehersal . It's really damn hot to stand on the stage at that time . Our legs were burning and we were sweating like mad !

The guys ended up taking off their shirts . hahas .

After the rehersal, we proceeded on with doing our makeup and styling of hair with the help of the Makeup artists from Maybelline and the hair stylist respectively.

We had our lunch at the restaurant .

The food are nice , but we couldn't have full serving because we have to wear bikini (for ladies) and topless (for guys) for the fashion show case.

Nicole, Sufancia and Khairunnisa .

Bryan, Yuxuan and Avery .

Penne .

PIZZA ! but I couldn't really bite it...

and here's Rainer with his macho pose !

My favourite food back in secondary school days: Potato wedges !

Another pizza.

Roshan .

Rainer and his abs (or fats) ? LOL .

Playground for kids, the guys wanted to try but didn't . hahaha .

After lunch, we still have plenty of time before the crowd came in . So we wandered around and dear came to look for me .

Dear and I (:


Dolly Jiawen and I (:

We were doing nothing for an hour before the whole thing starts . Everyone was sweating like nobody's business.

The whole thing started as soon as the crowd came . We started off with introduction .

My turn to be introduced xD

All the 19 contestants were introuduced.

After introduction, it's game for a group of the contestants . Brandon, Nicole, Ignatius and Shyda were involved .

I am not too sure what was the game but I knew that they have to dance with their partner, whom they picked from the audience .

Brandon, the pro latin dancer xD

The girl seems to be unable to catch up with Brandon . hahaa .


Nicole's turn .

Shyda's turn .

and Ignatius's turn .

And after the game was the first fashion show case with our casual beachwear on .

Rainer and his special pose . LOL

Pretty Nicole (:

My turn

After the showcase had ended, 5 hunks and 5 babes were out on stage for Q&A session . Personally, I think the questions are kind of corny and stupid in a sense .

Glen's question was 'What if your mother and your girlfriend dropped into the sea and they can't swim, who will you save?' .

I thought such questions are already outdated. LOL .

I think my question is kind of stupid too. 'What will you do if you were the last person on Earth?'

My reply was to sleep throughout because it become meaningless to do things alone . This may not be a perfect answer, but I am just being straight forward .

Yuxuan, the first one to be questioned .

Avery 'sabo' Rainer to do a hand stand push up . Poor Rainer .

He is really strong !

After the Q&A, it's the 2nd game whereby the guys have to do push up while the girls apply the sun tan oil on them .

One of the girl poured the whole bottle, which was quite scary because they really became very oily and shiny .

The guys took off their shirts for the game.

The guys did push up and the girls applying the oil .

See ! Rainer's body become reflective . LOL .

After the game , it's time for the next game whereby we have to find people from the audience to do the hairstyling . Khairunnisa, Sufancia and myself were involved in this game .

I asked dear to be my partner and I have to style his hair . Thank goodness that his hair is not that short , so I still can manage to style it up .

I was spamming my hair spray .

Done (:

After the game, it's followed by lucky draw and then the next beachwear show case. Guys were topless and the girls wore bikini with shorts.

Rainer and Shyda.

Kenneth and Nicole .

Glen and I (:

Avery and Sufancia.

After the beachwear show case, there were some games . The photos of the games will be updated in the next post (:

Before the announcing of the result, we went out for our final walk .

Waiting for the results....

Nicole won a subsidary prize (:

Brandon seemed shocked.

Brandon was crowned the seventeen summer hunk 2010 .

and Huili was crowned the seventeen summer babe 2010 .

the 2 winners (:

Congrats to both Brandon and Huili for winning the titles of Seventeen summer hunk and babe 2010 respectively .

But like what Belle had said before we went out for results, in our hearts, everyone is a winner !

Most importantly, we enjoyed ourselves throughout the whole process, from photoshoot till the end of the event.

Group photos (:

And we got many items from the sponsers.

Ok , that's all for now . Do keep a look out for the part 2 (:

enjoyable day .

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