Practical day, my first one for the whole semester.
AND I was unlucky enough to get a formal report on my VERY FIRST experiment.
Oh well, at least I just have one more formal report to clear after I cleared this module's formal report.
Nothing much, just that the workshop a.k.a engineering laboratory was really warm. Worse, our group was doing something got to do with steam, which made it even hotter.
Actually, I wanted to go for a open Jazz dance class to try out . But I was too tired that I slept throughout the train journey.
This day, I saw 2 epic incident during my journey to school,vice versa.
I saw an old man used his shoulder to hit/jerk a guy just because he slept and going to fall on his shoulder . He even glared at the army guy.
It's not like he did it on purpose :/
Seriously, how can one who wake up a few time and swing the head around (almost immediately) when just after closing eyes & falling asleep in train ? It's too ridiculous to be true.
This river valley girl was damn 'power'. Head can swing many directions. Usually people only swing one direction .
She nearly banged her head into another lady's head, who was sleeping too. Lol .
I didn't go to school as I was too tired, so I decided to take a good rest before going to meet Xinying to visit my auntie-mummy.
We went to the hospital's delifrance to have our lunch before visiting. KK hospital is not as old as I remembered more than 10 years ago.
Anyway, it's good to see that auntie-mummy was much more better.
After the visit, I rushed to town to meet Janice babe for work. We were supposed to work at Shangri-la hotel for an event.
However, we didn't even meet the client and we were told that we can go off + the pay will be transferred to us. It's really cool to meet such a situation, my second time .
Hence, Janice and I went to Far East to have a sit while waiting for our boyfriends to reach.
Dear and I decided to eat at Hans while Janice and her boyfriend left first.
Anyway, Dear was soooo happy about his new toy - Canon 550D. I am glad that he likes it.
I went for my ballet class in the morning. I didn't sleep much though.
After the class, I had my breakfast before taking a nap to conserve energy for the afternoon ballet class. It's my last class for the afternoon session .
I am really thankful that Ms Ng let me joined that class . I really learned many things there . It's great to see the kids dancing too !
I went to dear's house after the class has ended. We had chicken rice for dinner ! I love the Yishun's chicken rice till I don't mind eating chicken breast meat.
In the afternoon, dear and I went to KFC to have our lunch. We tried the new Roasta burger and it's really nice !
Around evening time, I headed to the ballet studio early for my stretching. I don't know why I still feel so tired after sleeping for 10 hours :/
Anyway, I think I am almost there for my front split. The hardwork pays off !
love ballet (:
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