School as usual . I always have Monday blue because the school day is always long and dreadful . I ended up sleeping through my lessons again .
After school, I rushed back home and uncle brought us to Liang's court to have our dinner . The Japanese food sold at the basement area are really nice .
Best of all, I bought lots of Japanese brand tidbits so that I can munch it whenever I want to.
They looked delicous right ?
Anyway, I have finished reading Special A's manga. They are really interesting and I love the pairings:

- 滝島 慧、花園 光 (Takishima Kei & Hanazoro Hikari)

- 狩野 宙、藤堂 明 (Karino Tadashi & Toudou Akira)

- 山本 純、牛窪 桜 (Yamamoto Jun & Ushikubo Sakura)

- 雑賀 八尋、山本 芽 (Saiga Yahiro & Yamamoto Megumi)

- 辻 竜、フィン (Tsuji Ryuu & Finn) .
All of them were really cool, especially when the mangaka drew the future them .

Group picture of the S.A members.
Overall, I will give a rating of 9 out of 10. It's a fantastic manga but like what my sisters have said, Hikari was way too 'dumb' to know that Kei loved her. Other than that, the plot is really good.
It's such a pity that it ended so fast. Nevertheless, it's a nice series.
Intending to skip school but I didn't . I thought that I should leave it till term 2 and I shall count and skip my lessons.
I hate Tuesday because it started off with Chemical Engineering Principle.
The most pissed off thing that the stupid man said was that he will ask more questions to people who skipped his briefing. Lame alright.
So what if people skipped your lab briefing ? Who the hell will go to school for 1 hour just for you ?!
Anyway, I was told that 7 ppl who never attend the briefing are all from our clique. Lyn, Xin Wen, Edmund, Firmanto, Nala, Nabilah and myself . Steady !
Nothing much for the day (:
The weather is soooo nice ! Best for sleeping !
I love it when the day ends early so that I can go home to have a good nap . I really need a good rest .
Nowadays, my mind has been filled with my future plans; whether to go to NAFA, Lasalle or HKAPA. I guess it's still early until I go en pointe.
That's all for now (:
sleepy days.
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