Ok, I have a great news to share: I HAVE PASSED ALL MY MODULES FOR THIS SEMESTER !
This may be lame to some of you, but a lot of them were my last minute hardwork and of course, it consisted of the thing I hate: ENGINEERING.
At least I don't have to waste another year or to change school .
Anyway, I went out with Xinying to celebrate ! We went around Orchard to have lunch and shopped for our stuff.
We also went to Arteastiq for tea. Too bad that we went there early, if not I would like to try their alcohol tea (:


I was too engrossed with my iphone...
Xinying (:
and we decided to order just 1 pot of tea since Xinying doesn't enjoy tea .
Pear tea (:
I really love the teacup .
and the little snacks .
Camwhoring again .
Xinying and I .
After tea, we went to SMU for a rehersal . We met Ashley outside the MRT station . It was a short one. After that, we went to Ritz Apple Strudel for a drink .
Strawberry strudel.
Ashley .
Xinying .

Ashley and I (:

Xinying said that we posed as soon as she took out her camera . LOL .
After that, Xinying and I went to shop around before heading back home.
When I reached home, I saw my package on my bed (:
I love mail (:
and here's my Maxi dress which I have ordered 1 month ago .
Mummy has finally brought the stuff which I asked her to buy for me in Japan !
My Candy Doll, Dolly wink and Melliesh cosmetics.
Too bad that she couldn't find my Melliesh and Jewerich lashes. I think I have to buy them online already .
But still, THANKS MUMMY !
Bought popteen when I was at Orchard.
and things that Xinying bought for me at Taiwan (:
Thanks darling (:
I have an event at SMU and I was kind of pissed as we were asked to head down half an hour earlier (12:30pm) when they only informed us at 12pm .
I know it's not totally their fault but still, it's not worth to cab down .
Anyway, we were doing catwalk and flyer distribution for the booth Prima Donna at SMU innovation .
The things that some groups designed are very creative and thoughtful.
But there were also some which they never do enough research and I happened to find certain things which I have seen it before (years ago) - which I shall not say what is it.
Here are some of the photos taken that day .

During the catwalk .

The girls with Genecia Luo .

With the group members.

Esther, Grace, Ashley and I (:

Esther, Grace, Ashley, Eileen, Isabella and I (:

Xiang Ru (Krislynn) and I (:

After the whole event, I went back home and have a good rest since my legs hurt from wearing heels for soooo long .
My timetable is out. I don't know if I should be happy or not because I think there're 3 days whereby class starts at 8am .
Sighh~ At least it's not as packed compared to last semester and I don't have to take GEMS for this semester .
Anyway, I went to my grandmother's house in the evening . I wasn't feeling that well as my neck till my head was aching like mad .
I shall end here since I have nothing much to blog about .
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