Thursday, March 01, 2012

Unofficial graduation + Party + Removing of braces

Ballet in the afternoon.

Ms Ng took over the class (permanently, I think). The pilates moves really kill me but that means I slacked off for too long.

I went to Popeye with Alicia and Cherrilynn for a light meal before going back home. JJ came over to pick me up (:

My house was crowded with guests;
Des korkor, Sheena, JJ, Yang and Aaron. Everyone came over for dinner.

The guys were stuck inside the kitchen, cooking for us (though Des korkor supposed to be the only one cooking for us).

Dinner for the night - Aglio Oilo

Aglio Olio cooked by JJ.

The guys were like trial and error, spoiled some of the food and ate them up.

Yang cooked for my sisters and Des korkor cooked for Sheena.

In return, my sisters cooked for all the guys. And of course, their's tasted the best among all the Aglio Olio. LOL.

Played 2 pots of mahjong till morning.

Woke up in the afternoon to go for hot yoga class with mummy.

Class on Sunday was fun and I like the Yoga instructor for the day.
I was really in the mood for stretching though my muscles hurt after Saturday's ballet class :/

After class, we went to Tampines mall to buy our stuff. Mummy wanted to look at heels, so we headed to Charles and Keith.

Shopped for quite some time, she bought her own heels and one pair of sandals for me ((:

We also went to a knitting shop to get my stitch marker.
Finally can start knitting my beanie ! Hehee. Hope it will be a good one XD

Grabbed a bite at McDonald's and we were chatting for very long. We always have a long talk when it's just the 2 of us or even with my sisters.

My new sandals.

Stitch markers.

At night, I was craving for the famous nasi lemak near Tanjong Katong. Ended up asking mummy for the address and JJ drove me there to have dinner.

It has been a long time since I visited the stall. Love it (:

Tired; paid my sleep debt for the whole afternoon.

At night, my family, des korkor, JJ and Yang have dinner together at Lavender Food Square. We ate the famous Wanton mee .

After that, we dropped Des korkor at the nearest MRT station before heading to Illuzion. Yang and JJ were playing darts and I was there knitting and singing to past time.

Procrastinating again; no feel to study for PCCC.

Addicted in watching the drama, 步步惊心.
It's like sooooooo exciting, especially with 吴奇隆 acting the 4th prince.

I watched till evening time then I started studying for my exam . Last paper, students will tend to be in a holiday/graduate mood.

What's more was this module was kind of bimbotic.

Eg. What's the function of face powder? =.=

But of course, there are some technical terms and some chemical names to remember.

2012 is a leap year; there's 29 Feburary in the calender.

In fact, her 7th birthday though she's already 28 XD

Last paper and it was manageable.


Went back home to rest for partying. Ate dinner before heading down to butter. Faiz & Atiqah were sooooo nice to party with me (:

Ready for party (:

It has been a long time since I stepped into butter, since my birthday week if I wasn't mistaken. Won't be as crazy as the past but no harm letting my hair lose once in a while (:

Gillian babe and Diana were there as usual. Atiqah and Faiz were there waiting for me. Saw Jackson there too.

The crowd was alright, not too packed.

Felicia and Eileen came over to find us.
They were only coming for awhile. Oh well, good enough XD

With Eileen and Felicia (:

Here are some of the photos taken by Jaws (:

Faiz and I (bad hair day for both of us).

With Gillian and Sharon.

Met Z at Butter, or rather he saw me first.
I must say I was disappointed and upset because we were quite close (as a friend of course) but I wasn't told that he has a girlfriend.

No wonder there's no more casual text since my birthday :/

Oh well, it's other people's freedom. There's nothing much I can do.

Faiz and I left at 3am since the others left early.

Slept through the afternoon and went to remove my braces in the evening.

Hate the process as taking out the 4 metal rings from the teeth really hurt as much as putting them in.

While cleaning the bonding off my teeth, a hole was spotted in between the last 2 teeth from upper left. I was asked to go for filling ASAP. Sigh~

Whatever it is, it feels good to get rid of my braces after 1 year and 8 months !

Photo without my braces (:

I'm soooooo happy that even my friends said I look better now ♥

Getting my retainers on Saturday so I can't really eat food which are too hard. Afraid that the teeth will shift slightly.

Dinner for tonight; fish porridge and honey lemon tea.

AND I'll be working tomorrow ! Happy max (:



Charlie said...

Now you have every reason to put on that huge smile of yours :D

Selina said...

Hehe yeah. ((:


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