Monday, May 31, 2010

Updates - Ballet + Picking up other dance .

Credits: Datson
Makeup & Wardrobe: myself .

I know I haven't been updating very frequently . I am very tired from school and work . Please bear with all my late entries (:

I went to town with dear, sisters and my cousin . There were many people there !

We went to shop around the places, have lunch and then waited till about evening as I was meeting Amelia babe to return her boots (:

After that, we went to grandma's house . Before that, we went to buy KOI bubble tea . I tried my sister's honey milk tea. It's great !

Luckily the queue wasn't that long, just that it took quite sometime as I ordered 4 cups xD

My Passion Fruit Green Tea with Aloe . The large size xD

Grandma cooked lots of nice food ! Really miss her cooking . We never fail to eat alot there . As usual, I ate 2 plates (and I know it's fattening to eat that much). LOL .

We stayed till late to wait for daddy to come . It has been quite sometime since I met him . Daddy has always been very busy and we seldom see him .

Grrrr, I missed my bus again . Bus 21 just hate me that much that I always miss it !

It was my last lesson at Pasir Ris East CC . It's sad that not everyone can continue at Kampong Chai Chee CC . I will miss them, though we seldom talk (:

The funny thing was Joni made a mistake. She thought that yesterday was the 23 May and we still have another class on the next Sunday . hahahas .

The last class , we learnt many combinations of hands and legs movement . I really suck at doing releve :(

We took some photos before leaving the place (:

Shuhui and Alex .

Shuhui and I (:

The 3 of us ((:

Oh ya, did I mentioned that I want to learn other types of dance too ?

I want to learn one ballroom dance, latin dance, street dance and of course, classical dance which I am learning right now .

Ballet, something I wanted to learn if not will leave me with regret .

For Ballroom and Latin, they looks quite similar to me . 2 types of dance I am interested in; Salsa and Tango .

From what I know, Tango dancers keep their body stiff for most times and Salsa dancing is making use of all parts of body .

In order to find out which one I like, I will be picking up these 2 dances. If I like both, I will continue.

Salsa .

Tango .

And for street dancing (Well I am not sure it's really counted as one), I want to pick up hip hop dancing .

This dance will be a challange for me because I am very bad with my body coodination . But nevertheless, I will try it out .

Hip hop (:

I am going to pick up those dances here:

They are collaborated, and there are some discounts for students and NSF people . Do take a look (:

Ok, back to the post .

I went to dear's house and had my lunch at the hospital's foodcourt . I ate burger from Fish and co. express.

I totally forgotten that I can't bite with my front teeth. I chose chicken burger over salmon burger and I regretted !

At night, we went to Northpoint to have our yogurt !

Peach flavour with kiwi, peach and mango topping.

By the way, M)phosis is having a sales up to 50% .

Of course, I went in to buy something .

Dear chose it for me. It cost $34.90 and I bought it at half price (: Worth it man .

I was late for school as I was rushing my formal report, which initially should be passed up by this week.

The stupid bus 23 just drove off without seeing anyone at the bus stop . Curse it .

I took MRT and I was quite panic as the first lesson was that BBQ pork's practical . If he caught me late for class, that's it .

But the train was moving too slowly , so I alighted at Redhill station around 11:55am . I took a cab from there to school to save the time walking from Dover MRT to T2 .

I was late by 10 minutes. HOWEVER, he was late for class . Oh well , I am counted as lucky to escape the 'death penalty' .

Lessons are alright and I managed to board up an almost empty train home during the peak hours . I am really lucky xD

I had my share of yogurt before going home ((:

Stress :(

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