Friday, May 28, 2010

Updates - Disaster week .

Sorry for blogging very often . School has been adding on to our workload that we barely have enough time to sleep.

By the way, still got anyone wants to go to the Seventeen Summer Party 2010 ? PM me alright (:

I missed my morning lectures, and I just went to school for one lesson before heading off to take my uniform from Jojo babe .

Actually, I intended to drop by my grandma's house but they went out . So I went to central to buy something to eat and drink before heading to Tanah Merah Country Club for work .

and I tried bubble tea from KOI . Passion Green tea with aloe . It's abit costly but it's really nice as people have claimed !

My partner for the day, Mable (:

But something happened so we ended up didn't work .

Mable and I (:

So after that, I went back home to have my delicious dinner (:

It's a short day! I love it (:

I went back home to put down my things before going to work . But before that, I grabbed a bite at Tampines one .

and Frolick is never out of my list xD

I also had sushi for lunch . Yummy !

My favourite onigiri (:

Oh ya, while I was shopping around Tampines One, I found out that there is a Skin food at level 2 . I love their products and next time I don't have to travel to buy their things ((:

Do read my reviews about their products xD

I got some samples from them; their new products which are out in Korea long ago !

After going home and rest for awhile, I headed down to City hall to get my uniform from Regine babe before rushing for work .

And this is my Chivas uniform . Classy right ?

Work was alright and the people there were really nice to me . There was a couple there who taught me some knowledge about whiskey, which is very helpful for me (:

Thanks Regine babe for the job (:

I rushed to school as I woke up late ! I even forgot about my toothbrush which I was supposed to bring out everyday :(

and it's definitely not a good morning as I hate Process instrumentation's practical . It's just way too boring and I can never understand what the craps are the machines for .

After school, I rushed to work . My partner was Lovelyn babe (:

My job was alright for the day . And I am quite alright with going around coffee shops . Not as scary as I presumed.

Mummy's dog came to our house to stay for one night . Cute right ?

I went to dear's house in the afternoon . I only go there for lunch before I headed back to Tampines for work .

My yogurt from berrylite ! 3 toppings only for $1.80 !

Today's job is around Tampines area and I felt alright as it's places where I know . So it's not really an issue .

Regardless how well things may go, the night is a disaster.

1) Rubber on water pipe snapped without my sisters knowing and it flooded the whole house . All my things which I put on the floor are wet .

2) Report stress; Why is Environment Studies A report so hard to do ?!

3) How will you feel with both your boyfriend and ex-boyfriend appeared at the same time ? Details will not be elaborate, but I am just way too confused .


Ok, that's all for now . Will update my blog again soon .

disaster week

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