Friday, June 04, 2010

Updates - Ranting + National Junior Fencing Championship Part I

Apologies for the late update . This is an outdated post, so it's gonna to be very boring . Bear with me ok (:

Throughout the whole day, I was practically doing nothing .

I was late for my morning class again. I don't know why I can't seems to wake up early nowadays . I wonder why...

Anyway, I hate to carry my super duper heavy fencing bag . Luckily, I managed to put it at club room before going for lesson .

After class, I practically spent my time doing nothing and waited till time's up then went ahead to meet Riona for training.

Training, I would say it's a disaster because my body wire's insulator came off and I don't dare to use . You will never know if you will get electrified .

I only ended up fencing for one 5 points match . The rest of the time, I spent my time figuring out what to do with my body wire :(

The weather was very cooling and nice for sleeping . But the practical lesson spoiled it all !

Anyway, practical was not that long . I went home straight afterwards.

Some pictures from my practical. LOL .

I know they are some boring pictures involving Reduction and Oxidation . Haha .

After school, I rushed home to help Steve bro with the modelling for his blogshop . The clothes are really nice that mummy bought 5 from him to share with my sisters .

No photos for now, got to wait till Iman to get them processed (:

We went for dinner together and we hate those 'zi char' force you to eat their things when we haven't decide anything . Grrrrr....

After dinner, we went to kbox together . It has been a long time since all of us met up for singing . Mummy joined us too .

It's damn cheap to sing at kbox, 7pm to 2am on Sunday to Thursday . It cost $8 nett with a drink (:

We sang till very late for that day .

I was nearly late for my practical . It sucks to be late .

Luckily , I managed to reach the lab by 7:20am and the practical hadn't start yet . The practical was quite short, involved electroplating of copper on substrate and nickel on the copper layer .

See this ? The end product (Above) is sooooo shiny with the nickel plating on it (:

I was damn tired for the whole day and I didn't stay throughout for the day due to some issues . I was kind of pissed off .

My job also got cancelled due to some mistakes.

Everything is fine after taking a long nap .

I am very forgetful for the day . Forget to bring my towel for bathing after competiton and I misplaced my ezlink card .

I ended up missing my first lecture and went to Pasir Ris for breakfast with JY . It has been a long time since I went there for a meal .

Classes were as boring and I didn't pay much attention either .

After my tutorial, I rushed off to meet Riona . We went to Clementi Sports Hall for the National Juniors Championship . It's my 2nd last year to compete in this competition :(

I would say this time compared to last year (whereby I missed it due to some people's fault) is harder as many national fencers participate this year .

I think at least half of them have the Team Singapore logo .

Anyway , I think I fenced considered well for someone who hasn't been training regularly with old ankle injury .

Didn't manage to pass round of 16, but oh well , it can't be helped .

Ok, that's all for now (:

tired .

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