Friday, June 11, 2010

Movie Review - Prince of Persia + Exams + Work

Credits: Datson
Makeup and Wardrobe: Model's own.

I was supposed to wake up early to study, but dear called me half an hour earlier which made me sleep for almost 1 hour later than the time that I was supposed to wake up.

I would say it's an unlucky day for me because I forgot to bring coins and I didn't know that my ezlink card had low value.

Thank goodness that there was a kind lady who gave me coins to take the bus.

OCRM paper was not that bad. I think I am dead for some stereochemistry and rate of reaction part.

Stereochemistry - I just suck at looking at things in 3D perspective and to draw them like the picture below....

Complicated right ? I hate this .

Rate of reaction - the reason why I failed my block test back in JC .

The both of them hate me just as much as I hate them . LOL .

After exam, I rushed to City plaza to get my boots. However, I was damn unlucky that the boots that selling at $29.90 are out of stock, which means I got no boots !

I ended up wearing black long socks with black heels for the job.

I worked at sembawang airbase with Jojo, Valerie, Isabelle, Aki, Kerien,Yvonne and Rain (I think). It's fun working with all the babes (:

Thanks Jojo for the job. Loves

After I reached home, I saw my mail on my bed. It's my clothes from My Glamour Place.

My package xD

and it's my denim top (:

After work, I came home and started studying . I was damn tired and I slept after I studied for awhile. I woke up at around 2am and continued studying till 4am.

Thank goodness that BIA isn't hard to study . It's more of knowing your concepts and memorize everything.

BIA exam wasn't very hard because I can answer most questions. But most of us were caught by surprise as we didn't know there wasn't any MCQ questions.

Oh well, at least the paper was managable.

There was 6 hours break before our next paper, so all of us made use of the time to study for PI. I was damn tired so I slept for about 1.5 hours before studying.

We went to the workshop at W5 since Shaun's father's office is there. The place is rather quiet other than the sound from the workshop.

PI, it's a challenging subject to me because I really cannot understand the things for engineering. It's as bad as Art, Home Economics, DnT and Literature.

The paper, it killed me badly . It's sooooo much different from the tutorial or I am just to stupid to understand the things.

Regardless how bad/well I did, it's over. No point thinking about this and should move forward.

After school, I rewarded myself a frolick yogurt for studying for days.

Passion fruit flavour with marshmellow.

I went home afterwards to prepare for my last paper. When I reached home, I saw my package from Simplifiquez (:

I love mails.

and here comes my white romper.

Thanks Simplifiquez for the good service provided . This romper was out of stock and I only knew after I sent my order. But they are sooooo kind to specially order for me (:

Do visit for beautiful and fashionable clothes. You will not regret shopping with them (:

It's the last day of the paper .

EVA, I would say that BBQ pork's section was much more easier although I seldom listened to his class. Kwok's section is damn hard. Suddenly soooo many equations.

It's like taking chemistry paper . I left a few blanks as I didn't know how to do.

After exam, I went back to Tampines with dear to have our lunc at Korean BBQ . Their student meals are very affordable .

My lunch (:

In between, that old hag from my GEMS class sms me, asking me if I was going to attend class. It's MST week lah, how I know if there's class if you didn't say ?

Fuck it man .

After lunch , I went home to take a nap before going to work . I was kind of unwilling because I was placed at Lavender , so I was in a terrible mood.

Luckily, the IC, Terence and my partner Precious, are very nice people . I enjoyed working with them .

I went back to Tampines to wait for my movie to start . I met JY on my way back Tampines and we went to starbucks for a drink + to charge my phone.

Dear and I went to watch Prince of Persia (:

Overall, I will give a rating of 9 out of 10 . I really love the effects and the storyline . It's really cool to imagine if such things exist.

However, I don't really like the fact that the Princess forgot about the things due to the turning back of time. Oh well, at least they are together.

Ok, That's all for now.


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