Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Updates - National Junior Fencing Championship part 2 + Exams

It's the 2nd part of the competition, team event.

We were considered quite unfortunate to meet NPF for the first round . I wouldn't want to elaborate on what happened, I just know that I was damn tired from the catching up point.

In my mind, it's ok that we lose.
For a team with someone who hasn't been training for 1 year and back for training recently (Riona), someone who doesn't attend training regularly (Me) and a foilist (Joey), I think the score it's not that bad either.

But what I was very furious was the judgement of the referee. That judge is a National foilist, but I wonder if she knows in details about the rules for Epee.

From my knowledge, the once the guard touches another guard (usually the significant loud and the obvious ones) , the referee should halt the match.

But for many times with the loud 'CLANG' and stopping there waiting for her command, she didn't say anything.

Out of 10 times, she only halted the match ONCE.

And for the last point which I have lost, I asked her if she should have halt it. Guess what this woman said ?

"It doesn't matter already, it's over."

Should a referee said such a thing ? Really, I am disappointed with such a comment. It made me very pissed that day.

At first, I thought that it might be me for not reading up the rules to update myself with the appropriate information.

But after consulting a few of my juniors who are national fencers, they said that I wasn't wrong , the match should be HALTED .

It's really very frustrating that we lost the match in this manner. Forget it . I hope I won't see her again as my referee.

After competition, I headed to my work venue . However, I received a phone call and I was told that my job was cancelled for the day .

Arghhh, it's certainly not my day .

I went to dear's house in the afternoon and spent my day studying for material science. I sat down in the kitchen for more than 2 hours.

At night, we went to popeye for dinner. We regretted for upsize the side dishes and the drinks . hahahas.

The emotionless face...

Dear and I (:

Monster playing lappy ? xD

I was almost dead as I only slept for 3 hours and I have yet to finish studying the last few parts for MST.

The paper, I would say that to pass that paper shouldn't have any problem. But to ace it, I think I can't because I left the last page blank (ok lah, not totally blank but ALMOST).

Apparently, my friends either coudn't do the phase diagram or made tons of mistakes at calculations .

I think all of us are in the same boat . LOL .

After exam, I went home to have a nap to replenish my 'power' . hahas . After that, I went to have my dinner with my sisters and then I bought lots of Japanese crackers for my exam period (:

It's good to have tibits to keep you company to prevent you to eat fuller meals at night.

Rice crackers, Ramune sweets, Fran and Mikan jelly

and I shall start of with the pineapple flavour ramune sweet

I spent a few hours to study for corrosion science . But I would say that the themodynamic part is a bitch because it's way too long.

This morning, I went to Aljunied or rather somewhere near Aljunied for a casting. The place is damn deserted and I thought I have lost my way or something .

I am sooooo tired even after sleeping for 6 hours + yesterday's 5 hours of nap. Studying is indeed draining your energy.

The test, I think I am dead from all the drawing . Who will expect sooooo many drawing came out for the stupid paper?!

After exam, I went home to take a nap before starting to study for OCRM and eating my tibits xD

I love Meiji Fran's packaging.

That's all for now !


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